| - Crystarium System to system nauki zdolności i zwiększania statystyk w Final Fantasy XIII. Każda postać ma unikatowy system Crystarium podobny do systemu Sphere Grid z Final Fantasy X, jednak systemy nie krzyżują się. System jest napędzany przez Crystarium Points (pl. Punkty Crystarium), lub CP, które są wygrywane po każdej bitwie i wykorzystywane do odblokowywania punktów na Sieci Crystarium. System Crystarium każdej postaci bazuje na jej krysztale Eidolona i rozgałęzia się w na rożne strony zdefiniowane przez postawy.
- The Crystarium system is the ability and statistics development system where each party member has a unique Crystarium, similar to the Sphere Grid of Final Fantasy X, although the systems do not intersect. The Crystarium is fueled by Crystogen Points (known as Crystal Points in the Japanese version), or CP, which are won after every battle, and are spent to unlock nodes in the Crystarium.
| - The Crystarium system is the ability and statistics development system where each party member has a unique Crystarium, similar to the Sphere Grid of Final Fantasy X, although the systems do not intersect. The Crystarium is fueled by Crystogen Points (known as Crystal Points in the Japanese version), or CP, which are won after every battle, and are spent to unlock nodes in the Crystarium. The system allows players to select which bonuses their character gains, rather than automatic level bonuses. Players fill the experience gauge between bonuses themselves, which is analogous to level gauges in previous games, but manually filled to fit the player's preference. Each character's Crystarium originates from their eidolith (the crystal containing their Eidolon) and branches out in six directions, with one branch corresponding to each role. In addition to the characters' eidoliths being unique, the spatial layout of each Crystarium is also different for each character. For example, Snow's six roles extend along perpendicular directions, while Vanille's six roles extend in approximately the same direction, but diverge before slightly converging again, creating a spherical structure. As the character levels up the details on the grid get increasingly elaborate.
- Crystarium System to system nauki zdolności i zwiększania statystyk w Final Fantasy XIII. Każda postać ma unikatowy system Crystarium podobny do systemu Sphere Grid z Final Fantasy X, jednak systemy nie krzyżują się. System jest napędzany przez Crystarium Points (pl. Punkty Crystarium), lub CP, które są wygrywane po każdej bitwie i wykorzystywane do odblokowywania punktów na Sieci Crystarium. System Crystarium każdej postaci bazuje na jej krysztale Eidolona i rozgałęzia się w na rożne strony zdefiniowane przez postawy.