| - Biter is a criminal from King's Landing who Yoren tries to make join the Night's Watch. Eventually he joins the Brave Companions. He is killed by Gendry after a skirmish at an inn.
- Biter is a recurring character in the first, second and fourth seasons. He is played by Gerard Jordan and debuts in "The Night Lands," though he was also portrayed by an unidentified extra in "Fire and Blood". Biter is a menacing criminal forcibly recruited into the Night's Watch.
- A Sword wielded by Killer Branduan Source: Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes
- Biter was the tetsubo of Hida Matsuro, governor of Clear Water Village. It was crafted by Hida Bansaro, embedded with the teeth of the sharks Matsuro caught in the bay, and also several jade teeth.
- A Biter is a soldier Gloople. Regardless of how deep one might get into a Gloople nest, one of the more dangerous castes they will encounter is in fact the Biter: they are highly aggressive and very persistent in hunting down opponents and prey alike (not that the two are any different from one another in the end). It is neither rare nor passive in any way, shape, or form, it is the primary hunting force of any Gloople nest. They possess a tougher membrane in order to provide their "teeth" with a suitable anchorage while biting, and they therefore cannot absorb solid matter through their membranes.
- The Biter is a small, aggressive fauna species, mostly dwelling in the Grassy Plateaus, Mountains, and the Jelly Shroom Caves.
- The Biter is a Creature created by the genetic modification of the Mortifilia. It has 2 types: The Frog Biter and the Human Biter. <default>Biter</default> Infection Subject Resistence Danger Appearance
- Biter is a rare axe. Can be bought from merchants for 200,555 Gold. Can be sold to merchants for 25,069 Gold. Does not randomly spawn in shops.
- Unlike other traps, these cannot be disarmed or picked up after they have been set. Two of them can be found in the trunk at the end of the walkway on the Lobinden observation tower.
- First appears in Siege of Dragonspear, this item can be imported into BG2EE, it's later found at Waukeen's Promenade Shop.
- He may be encountered if the Dragonborn has adopted a male child. The child will come home saying that Biter has been following him around all day and asks if he can keep him. If the Dragonborn agrees to the skeever living in their home, he will do so. Biter is however a bit smaller than the average skeever.