Vulcana Regar is a location on Vulcan. Vulcana Regar is the single largest city on the Vulcan homeworld and had a population of 860,000 as of the 2360 census. The city contains offices for the factors of Vulcan's primary mercantile families, vast warehouses for the storage of all manner of cargoes, the central office of the Vulcan House of Merchants, and the Regar Currency Exchange. Given the legendary honesty of Vulcans, illegal activities such as smuggling or hijacking are virtually unheard of here, and anyone caught even shading the tariff laws in their favor is quickly invited to leave the planet. Despite this, the Ferengi consulate on Vulcan is located here. For those seeking to sell their cargoes for a fair price, however, few markets can match the wealth of Vulcana Regar. (Last Unic
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- Vulcana Regar
- Vulcana Regar
- Vulcana Regar
| - Vulcana Regar is stad op de planeet Vulcan. Aan het einde van de 21e eeuw of begin 22e eeuw werd in Vulcana Regar de Ka'Tann conferentie gehouden. Eén van de topadviseurs op de conferentie was ambassadeur V'Lar. T'Pol, die nog met het begin van haar studie bezig was, had "een grote afstand afgelegd" om de ambassadeur te zien. (ENT: "Fallen Hero") In de 24e eeuw was Starfleet academie kandidaat T'Shanik uit Vulcana Regar afkomstig. (TNG: "Coming of Age")
- A la fin du 21ème siècle ou au début du 22ème siècle, Vulcana Regar accueillit la conférence de Ka'Tann. L'un des meilleurs négociateurs de la conférence était l'Ambassadeur V'Lar, une de ses "admiratrices" était T'Pol, qui était au début de sa scolarisation voyagea longtemps pour voir l'ambassadeur. (ENT: "Fallen Hero") En 2364, T'Shanik qui souhaitait intégrer l'Académie de Starfleet était originaire de cette ville. (TNG: "Coming of Age") Ligne temporelle Kelvin(créée par l'incursion de Nero en 2233)
- Vulcana Regar ist eine Stadt auf dem Planeten Vulkan. Während des 21. oder 22. Jahrhunderts ist Vulcana Regar Tagungsort für die Ka'Tann-Konferenz. Einer der hochrangigsten und meist angesehensten Botschafter der Konferenz ist die Vulkanierin V'Lar, ein Idol von T'Pol. (ENT: ) Im 24. Jahrhundert will die Vulkanierin T'Shanik in die Sternenflottenakademie aufgenommen werden. Sie stammt aus Vulcana Regar. (TNG: )
- Vulcana Regar is a location on Vulcan. Vulcana Regar is the single largest city on the Vulcan homeworld and had a population of 860,000 as of the 2360 census. The city contains offices for the factors of Vulcan's primary mercantile families, vast warehouses for the storage of all manner of cargoes, the central office of the Vulcan House of Merchants, and the Regar Currency Exchange. Given the legendary honesty of Vulcans, illegal activities such as smuggling or hijacking are virtually unheard of here, and anyone caught even shading the tariff laws in their favor is quickly invited to leave the planet. Despite this, the Ferengi consulate on Vulcan is located here. For those seeking to sell their cargoes for a fair price, however, few markets can match the wealth of Vulcana Regar. (Last Unic
- Vulcana Regar was a city on Vulcan. During the late 21st century or early 22nd century, Vulcana Regar was the site of the Ka'Tann Conference. One of the top negotiators at the conference was Ambassador V'Lar. One of the attendees was T'Pol, who was in her early schooling on Vulcan, and who had traveled "a great distance" to see the ambassador. (ENT: "Fallen Hero") Late-24th century Starfleet Academy hopeful T'Shanik was from Vulcana Regar. (TNG: "Coming of Age" )
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| - Vulcana Regar is a location on Vulcan. Vulcana Regar is the single largest city on the Vulcan homeworld and had a population of 860,000 as of the 2360 census. The city contains offices for the factors of Vulcan's primary mercantile families, vast warehouses for the storage of all manner of cargoes, the central office of the Vulcan House of Merchants, and the Regar Currency Exchange. Given the legendary honesty of Vulcans, illegal activities such as smuggling or hijacking are virtually unheard of here, and anyone caught even shading the tariff laws in their favor is quickly invited to leave the planet. Despite this, the Ferengi consulate on Vulcan is located here. For those seeking to sell their cargoes for a fair price, however, few markets can match the wealth of Vulcana Regar. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans) Vulcana Regar was the site of the Second Ka'Tann Conference in the early 22nd century. (ENT episode: "Fallen Hero") A large quake struck Vulcan Regar in 2286. Among the casualties were the parents of a newborn Vulcan-Human child named Sanara. (TOS short story: "The First Law of Metaphysics") T'shanik, a candidate for Starfleet Academy in 2264, was also from Vulcana Regar. (TNG episode: "Coming of Age") Vulcana Regar was the site of a hospital where many survivors of the 2381 Borg attack on Vulcan were treated. One of the counselors at that hospital was tragically murdered by a patient, and Counselor Kaimi Pumehana of the USS Massachusetts temporarily helped care for her remaining patients. (ST novel: A Singular Destiny)
- Vulcana Regar is stad op de planeet Vulcan. Aan het einde van de 21e eeuw of begin 22e eeuw werd in Vulcana Regar de Ka'Tann conferentie gehouden. Eén van de topadviseurs op de conferentie was ambassadeur V'Lar. T'Pol, die nog met het begin van haar studie bezig was, had "een grote afstand afgelegd" om de ambassadeur te zien. (ENT: "Fallen Hero") In de 24e eeuw was Starfleet academie kandidaat T'Shanik uit Vulcana Regar afkomstig. (TNG: "Coming of Age")
- A la fin du 21ème siècle ou au début du 22ème siècle, Vulcana Regar accueillit la conférence de Ka'Tann. L'un des meilleurs négociateurs de la conférence était l'Ambassadeur V'Lar, une de ses "admiratrices" était T'Pol, qui était au début de sa scolarisation voyagea longtemps pour voir l'ambassadeur. (ENT: "Fallen Hero") En 2364, T'Shanik qui souhaitait intégrer l'Académie de Starfleet était originaire de cette ville. (TNG: "Coming of Age") Ligne temporelle Kelvin(créée par l'incursion de Nero en 2233)
- Vulcana Regar was a city on Vulcan. During the late 21st century or early 22nd century, Vulcana Regar was the site of the Ka'Tann Conference. One of the top negotiators at the conference was Ambassador V'Lar. One of the attendees was T'Pol, who was in her early schooling on Vulcan, and who had traveled "a great distance" to see the ambassador. (ENT: "Fallen Hero") Late-24th century Starfleet Academy hopeful T'Shanik was from Vulcana Regar. (TNG: "Coming of Age" ) This city was only mentioned in dialogue. The Star Trek Encyclopedia (3rd ed., p. 551) (published prior to the filming of "Fallen Hero") identified Vulcana Regar as a city. According to the script of Star Trek, the katric ark was located in Vulcana Regar, which the script additionally identified as a city. [1]
- Vulcana Regar ist eine Stadt auf dem Planeten Vulkan. Während des 21. oder 22. Jahrhunderts ist Vulcana Regar Tagungsort für die Ka'Tann-Konferenz. Einer der hochrangigsten und meist angesehensten Botschafter der Konferenz ist die Vulkanierin V'Lar, ein Idol von T'Pol. (ENT: ) Im 24. Jahrhundert will die Vulkanierin T'Shanik in die Sternenflottenakademie aufgenommen werden. Sie stammt aus Vulcana Regar. (TNG: )
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