| - Medium is a Trainer Class introduced in Generation II. They appear to be old women with ghosts floating around them in Generation II, while in Generation IV they appear as old women in religious garb that are holding up a candle in each hand. They mostly use Ghost and Psychic-type Pokémon. In Pokemon X and Y they appear to be replaced with the Hex Maniacs.
- Medium (also known as Regular in Guitar Hero Live) is the middle difficulty in Guitar Hero (hence the name). The difficulty uses only the green, red, yellow, and blue fret buttons. In Guitar Hero Live, all buttons are used but there are less notes than Advanced difficulty.
- A medium is
- She is the elderly woman who Bryce helped out with as a young boy, She was being robbed by thugs. And bryce chased them off, Now she helps the rangers by foreseeing where a monster attack is.
- Medium is an enemy fought in Baten Kaitos Origins.
- Medium is an upcoming game for the Wii U.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Medium]] medium, neuter of medius (“‘middle’”). Compare middle.
- Medium is a Base size for a miniature. A Medium character occupies 1 square. Most characters are Medium size.
- A medium sized creature is typically between 4 and 8 feet in height or length and weighs between 60 and 500 pounds.
- Medium is an ambiguous term. It can refer to:
* Medium size: the size category between small and large, which is standard for many humanoids.
* Medium (3.5e Class): a conduit between the living and the dead.
- Medium is a figure size in the Heroscape games. Figures who are medium are normally single-spaced and their height is 4-6.
- Medium (Advantage, 4 points) [Spiritual] A character with the Medium advantage speaks easily with the spirits of the dead, and they with him. Any undead creature can automatically understand a medium, and viceversa. This is not a function of language, but a primal, spiritual connection that confers mutual understanding. The medium may project his spirit into others Spirit Realms by entering deep concentration, and communicate whith those who inhabited them.
- Medium is a type of armor in Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight. It is most vulnerable to cannon weaponry
- thumb|300px|Médium conocidosLos mediums son las personas que froman un contrato y comparten su energia con las Rozen Maidens.
- A medium is a mortal who possesses the ability to sense, communicate with, or channel the ghosts of the dead. Mediums often possess other psychic powers or some form of sorcery.
- This page is about the episode, you may be looking for a person who is a Medium. Medium is the first episode and season premiere of Season 2.
- Mediumship is the act of calling, communicating, and invoking the spirits of the dead. A medium's main skill is in contacting the spiritual world, a dimension beyond the human world where all spirits (animal and human) go when the life force is completely extinguished and they leave the corporeal plane. Although it is known for some humans to possess this power, majority of those who communicate with spirits are often Witches.
- The show originally aired on NBC for the first 5 seasons from January 3, 2005 to June 1, 2009 and later moved to the CBS network where it aired for the last two seasons from September 25, 2009 to January 21, 2011, lasting for 7 seasons & 130 episodes
- Medium to ludzie, którzy potrafią widzieć dusze, innymi słowy, posiadają świadomość duchową. Są dość rzadcy, na 50,000 ludzi zdarza się mniej więcej 1 jednostka. Mogą się oni stać medium przebywając w pobliżu ludzi z kolosalną ilością energii duchowej, jak jest w przypadku przyjaciół Ichigo. Do medium, którzy są pokazywani w Bleachu należą Don Kanonji i siostra Ichigo. Zanim Ichigo otrzymał od Rukii moce Shinigami, także był medium. Jak twierdzi, widział duchy od urodzenia, choć na początku niezbyt wyraźnie.
- Medium is the name give to a person who can communicate with the spirit of a deceased individual, and there are several Mediums in "The Southern Vampire Mysteries".
- [[Datei:Isaaru_-Maroda-_Pace.jpg|thumb|250px|Das Medium Isaah und seine beiden Brüder Maroda und Pasce]] In Final Fantasy X werden die Menschen Medium genannt, die zusammen mit ihrer Leibgarde durch ganz Spira reisen und in den Tempeln beten, um die jeweiligen Bestias zu erhalten. Zu den Aufgaben der Media gehört es auch, Tote zu besegnen, um diese dann ins Abyssum zu schicken, bevor sie zu Monstern werden. Die Media haben in Spira eine große Präsenz. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit kennt jeder Bewohner Spiras den Namen eines neuen Mediums.
- A medium who appears in a single panel of "Kermit's Story," the first issue of The Muppet Show Comic Book, is the subject of a series of jokes and indignities from Statler and Waldorf. When the two hecklers learn that The Muppet Show will be "back to corrupt a whole new medium," (specifically, comic books) they respond, in their trademark fashion, with a punny retort. “Waldorf: Why's it called a medium?Statler: Cause it's rarely well done!” Once the medium has left, Statler asks Waldorf if they have any rotten eggs so he can "strike a happy medium."
- Sally encountered the medium Zoe Gonzales who is keeping an eye on the materinty ward and had the power to help ghosts get reincarnated. She aids Sally in banishing the Black Spirit that has been stalking Sally since she refused her door. File:Zoe.jpg
- She waits until night falls, then gently takes out her crystal ball. She murmurs her secret words, foreign to others' ears but warmly familiar to her own. The opaque clouds swirling within the glass clear away to reveal a shining, translucent orb of clarity. Her life may be over, but her job is not. The next night, the Medium performs her final, miraculous act from beyond the grave. She speaks to the Mayor of Salem, sharing the final pieces of information gleaned from the dead. As the night ends, she knows she can rest easy. The Town will be all right. (credit)
- The Medium, also known as Xiuan, is the young human girl that leads the Vessels, a species of humanoid beings that live in the Misty Ravine. She guides the Vessels and helps keep their town secure from the Hollows, beings that essentially look like humanoid spirits that also dwell in the Misty Ravine. She is the only human part of the group of Vessels, with the innate ability to "hear Yggdrasil's voice". The Vessels rely on the Medium, who is able to relay Yggdrasil's guidance.
- Mediums are people who are able to access information presumed to be from the afterlife. The objective of mediumship is to prove survival of the human personality after death, and to help the bereaved come to terms with their loss. Mediumship is an experimental process - no results are certain. A Physical medium is one who brings about the manipulation of objects by unseen forces during a sitting. Mediums are often called Spiritualists, although they do not necessarily belong to that church. Other faiths such as Brazil's spiritismo, or Louisiana Voodoo, also have their mediums.