The New Republic Starfighter Corps, also known as StarOps, is an entity of the New Republic Military responsible for all starfighter-related operations.
The New Republic Starfighter Corps, also known as StarOps, is an entity of the New Republic Military responsible for all starfighter-related operations.
The New Republic Starfighter Corps became its own branch of the New Republic Military after the liberation of Coruscant and the formation of a New Republic. It is the most most versatile branch, used for everything from escorts and patrols to full assaults against enemy targets. It also has the highest mortality rate in the military.
The New Republic Starfighter Corps became its own branch of the New Republic Military after the liberation of Coruscant and the formation of a New Republic. It is the most most versatile branch, used for everything from escorts and patrols to full assaults against enemy targets. It also has the highest mortality rate in the military. Some veterans of the Starfighter Corps date back as early as having fought in the Battle Of Yavin IV. The Corps has been present at almost every military engagement, having turned the tide of many Battles. It is known that elements of the Corps were present at the Third Battle of Sluis Van and many other battles, such as the Second Battle of Etti IV.
The New Republic Starfighter Corps, also known as StarOps, is an entity of the New Republic Military responsible for all starfighter-related operations.