Telmar was famed for having the best siege weapons in the Narnia world.
A siege weapon is a weapon used for taking city or forts
Siege weapons are a new feature in WoW PvP. They were added in the expansion, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. They are pilotable vehicles meant to raze destructible buildings in the same effect as if you manage to kill the commander of an outpost in Alterac Valley. Siege weapons are limited to the zone of Lake Wintergrasp and Strand of the Ancients. Siege weapons cannot move through water.
Telmar was famed for having the best siege weapons in the Narnia world.
Siege weapons are a new feature in WoW PvP. They were added in the expansion, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. They are pilotable vehicles meant to raze destructible buildings in the same effect as if you manage to kill the commander of an outpost in Alterac Valley. Siege weapons are limited to the zone of Lake Wintergrasp and Strand of the Ancients. Siege weapons cannot move through water. Different siege weapons exist for different races (though each one can be used by other races), and each type has different game mechanics. They are not owned or kept like mounts. All land-going siege weapons are slow moving. Some siege weapons can hold more than one player.
A siege weapon is a weapon used for taking city or forts