This 60th chapter of the Railgun Manga was released on May 27, 2013. This chapter follows events that are part of the Daihasei Festival Arc (Railgun) Shokuhou Misaki recalls her memories with Dolly, and how over a period of time, she began to become truly friends with her. However, all good things must come to an end, and her friend collapses. In her throes of her suffering, Dolly asks her name, and Misaki finally says her name to her instead of the name she pretended to be, finally becoming true friends with Dolly.
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| - Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 060
| - This 60th chapter of the Railgun Manga was released on May 27, 2013. This chapter follows events that are part of the Daihasei Festival Arc (Railgun) Shokuhou Misaki recalls her memories with Dolly, and how over a period of time, she began to become truly friends with her. However, all good things must come to an end, and her friend collapses. In her throes of her suffering, Dolly asks her name, and Misaki finally says her name to her instead of the name she pretended to be, finally becoming true friends with Dolly.
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| - This 60th chapter of the Railgun Manga was released on May 27, 2013. This chapter follows events that are part of the Daihasei Festival Arc (Railgun) Shokuhou Misaki recalls her memories with Dolly, and how over a period of time, she began to become truly friends with her. However, all good things must come to an end, and her friend collapses. In her throes of her suffering, Dolly asks her name, and Misaki finally says her name to her instead of the name she pretended to be, finally becoming true friends with Dolly.
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