| - Formed from the long-dormant remnants of an older union called the Servants of the Light, its ideals were formed from the fundamental basis wrought through the imagination of a young Paladin's father, who since finishing his work had gone missing, along with the young Paladin's mother, his brother, and two sisters. I still have not found my parents. My brother, Gareth...the slightly less virtuous of the two Riordan boys...has since chosen to call himself "Klavikull" for reasons I have yet to discover. He has chosen the path of a Rogue.
| - Formed from the long-dormant remnants of an older union called the Servants of the Light, its ideals were formed from the fundamental basis wrought through the imagination of a young Paladin's father, who since finishing his work had gone missing, along with the young Paladin's mother, his brother, and two sisters. I still have not found my parents. One of my two sisters, however, has resurfaced. In undeath, apparently, yet I have made my peace with her, for I am not a judgmental man by nature. Ceryne continues to forge her own destiny as the Death Knight she had become, and thankfully as one of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Kira, on the other hand, remains missing. My brother, Gareth...the slightly less virtuous of the two Riordan boys...has since chosen to call himself "Klavikull" for reasons I have yet to discover. He has chosen the path of a Rogue. But I digress. The Golden Gryphon that is our chosen sigil as a Guild bears two names, one for each of its heads. Our ten separate associations form the unified whole of our Guild. Each are based on the many creeds of the Grand Alliance, yet any of the various creeds may intermix within them. Grab a pint, if you feel so inclined, as I describe them all...