| - Amok is Luna's loyal servant and bodyguard, also her chief mode of transportation.
- Es uno de los nuevos villanos nuevos incluidos a la 4ta temporada de CSI.
- Amok is a mutant goat and a member of H.A.V.O.C.. He posses super strength.
- !width="33%"|100%TP !width="33%"|200%TP !width="33%"|300%TP |- |align="center"|0.50+10% krit. Image:Exclamation.gif |align="center"|0.50+30% krit. Image:Exclamation.gif |align="center"|0.50+50% krit. Image:Exclamation.gif |}
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Amok]] amuk, form of mengamuk (“‘to behave amok, to be in an uncontrollable rage’”).
- At the wrecked KI-1 Class Ship, the crew finds a penguin nest and the Amok Mommy. The Mommy is killed by Samus and Joey, leaving the Amok penguins to feast on its corpse in an unseen scene.
- Amok is the third album by the Finnish heavy metal band Sentenced. It is also the last album with Taneli Jarva. The album was released through Century Media Records in 1995. It showed further departure from the band's early death metal stylings. The lyrics are a mixture of melancholy, mythology and suicidal themes.
- Amok was a Dutch competitor robot that competed in Dutch Robot Wars: Series 2. Team captain Ysbrand Otjes built Amok with help from Mischa de Graaf of the PulverizeR team. The robot was unfinished when the team left for England, and took a further two days to complete on arrival, partially because Amok weighed 107kg after being completed. It lost in the first round due to a faulty safety link being used.
- Amok bezeichnet einen Gewaltausbruch, bei der eine Person einen oder mehrere andere Personen tötet. 2374 befürchtet Damar, dass die Jem'Hadar wegen der Ketracel-White-Knappheit anfangen könnten, Amok zu laufen. Deshalb empfiehlt er, die letzte Ration der Droge zu vergiften, um sich der Jem'Hadar zu entledigen. (DS9: )
- Se tratan de seres muy similares a los pingüinos de la Tierra, con la diferencia de que son mucho más altos, superiores a un humano normal, y son muy agresivos. Cuando están calmados y no hay ninguna presa, sus ojos están cerrados con una expresión tranquila, pero cuando ven alimento para ellos, sus ojos se abren por completo y muestran su sonrisa de oreja a oreja, con una serie de afilados colmillos, siendo una expresión aterradora.
- I hate the whole human race will there be punishment at the end of days i hope so fuck the world i'm living in i know you're all tainted within even gandhi was a motherfucker mr. bush, obviously the greatest sucker i don't discriminate, i hate all in the same way and i'll be laughing when you've gotta pay and so i'll run amok till they can't separate your head from your cock has there ever been a possibility fuck you, look at my killing spree to improve this world, i guess there is no chance too much disappointment by this circumstance but i'll try by stopping overpopulation even maggie thatcher was a whore