| - [Source] Les Gorgs étaient des créatures amphibiennes trouvables sur la planète Tatooine. Ils étaient mangés vivants par les Hutts et étaient disponibles à 7 wupiupi unité au marché de Mos Espa. Ils pouvaient être frit avant d'être mangés.
- Gorgs were small edible amphibians that is enjoyed by many species in the galaxy.
- Gorg is a very powerfull mage male ogre magus, and one of the commanders of the Crushridge clan.
- Gorg was a native of a world in the Trann galaxy in the 23rd century. He was a crewmember of a starship which crashed on a planet in Galaxy Zekbran. After Kooba used the age-ray to seize command, Gorg accompanied him and Spock to the USS Enterprise, where Kooba forced the crew to teach Gorg how to operate the transporter. After Kooba de-aged the crew, he had Gorg beam him back to the planet to deal with Captain Kirk. However, Kirk defeated him and tricked Gorg into beaming back himself and Laiko, after which he fought and knocked out Gorg. (TOS comic: "The Youth Trap")
- Gorgs, of Chubas in het Huttese, waren amfibieën die op Tatooine leefden en er vaak als snacks werden geserveerd.
- A small to medium sized frog-like creature found on Tatooine.They have a few subspecies:Gorg Cl 10,and the Gorg Gluttons Cl 13. They fight with ranged and posion attacks. LAIR: RESOURCES:
* Animal Bones
* Leathery Hide
* Herbivore Meat
- Chercher "gorg" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- __NOEDITSECTION__ When Gorg was a few years old his village came under attack by human raiders. The humans killed all the Orks, except for Gorg who was hidden underneath a skin blanket.From that day forward he vowed to kill and maim every human in sight until his lust for vengeance could be satisfied. Eventually he found out about a group of Orks who shared similar "Ork-only" ideals, and he instantly ran all across Agon to find the territory of this famed Bloodclan. The Bloodclan Orks were impressed by Gorg's bravery to run across the entire continent almost naked, and took him on board as a nuuborn Pizurk. Since that day Gorg has aspired to impress his superiors further by performing unspeakable deeds of carnage upon the humans of Agon, and obeying their every command be it to "go an' klo
- Los gorgs, conocidos como chubas en huttés, fueron unos anfibios de pequeño tamaño que se pudieron encontrar en varios planetas, en los pantanos de Naboo o las alcantarillas de Tatooine. Muchas especies humanoides los preferían como alimento, ya fuesen crudos, fritos o asados en Hojas de Manak. En huttés, los "chubas calientes" fueron llamados "hotsa chuba". [[Archivo:Gorg_a_la_venta.jpg|thumb|left|180px|Un gorg en venta en Mos Espa]]