- Place in: Bathhouse Found in: Dropped by Empire Captain in Grady's Mansion Price:
- thumb|200px|Cytaty i poprawnie zapisane nazwiska podstawowym tematem grafficiarzy thumb|200px|Szkolne graffiti thumb|200px|Patriotyczne graffiti 250px|thumb|Tramwajarze wolą trzymać graficiarzy na łańcuchu Graffiti – sakralny obraz namalowany sprayem najczęściej na murze, rzadziej na pociągach, autobusach, radiowozach, czy w szkole. Element kultury Hip-hopu.
- Bei Recherchen für die Schülerzeitung entdeckt Vivi, dass der Findling aus der Elbe mit Graffitis besprayt wurde. Aufgebrachte Passanten halten Vivi selbst für die Täterin. Die 13-jährige Sprayerin Anka verhilft Vivi zur Flucht. Vivi ist fasziniert von dem Mädchen und folgt ihr. Sie bekommt mit, dass Anka Streit mit ihrer Graffiti-Crew hat. Ihr wird vorgeworfen, entgegen der Abmachung, im Alleingang den Findling "gebombt" zu haben. Hinter Ankas Rücken ruft Mike die Crew dazu auf, es der Verräterin heimzuzahlen. Ein Fall für die Pfefferkörner. Kategorie:Folge Kategorie:Folgen Staffel 2 Kategorie:Episodenliste Kategorie:1. Pfefferkörnerbande
- that leaves behind the illegible markings of vandals and other punks on pristine public surfaces such as sidewalks, buildings, walls, etc. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Graffiti"is a part of Wikiality.com's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
- Graffiti refers to the messages engraved on the floors in NetHack either by shopkeepers ("Closed for Inventory") or on a random basis. These messages are often helpful tips, but sometimes are silly. Graves have their own random epitaphs.
- IT'S NOT!!
* Get out while you can!
* Marty 09
* They arent undead
* Adam- I was hiding in the Bathroom
* See you in hell jerk!
* Probably crappin yerself
* The army pulled out this morning. We're on our own now.
* they were overrun dumbass!
- El Graffiti era un tipo de vandalismo, en el que alguien grabada mensajes en una propiedad pública. La mandaloriana Sabine Wren era una artista de graffiti que regularmente pintaba los edificios imperiales después de cometer actos de sabotaje. El símbolo de la Alianza Rebelde era la marca favorita para el graffiti de Wren. Sus explosivos personales estaban diseñados para crear graffitis y a menudo utilizaba sus aerosoles para destrozar las armaduras de las tropas de asalto.
- Graffiti paints a graffiti message with a 20 character limit in a 5x5 cell targeted area. Requires 1 Red Gemstone. On iRO, this skill is known as Scribble.
- Graffiti is the 2nd episode of Ultra Q: Dark Fantasy.
- Mật hiệu của băng, hoặc mật hiệu graffiti, là một loại vật sưu tầm trong Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas . Carl thumb|272px|phần thưởng sau khi hoàn thành 100 mật hiệuJohnson phải tìm tất cả 100 mật hiệu của băng xung quanh Los Santos và xịt mật hiệu của Grove Street Families lên với bình xịt. Mật hiệu và những điều cơ bản được giới thiệu qua nhiệm vụ Tagging Up Turf. Xịt lên mật hiệu kẻ thù tăng sự kính trọng cho người chơi và xịt 100 mật hiệu là cần thiết để hoàn thành game 100%. Phần thưởng sau khi hoàn thành vật sưu tầm này là Bom xăng, AK-47, khẩu súng săn Sawn-off và TEC 9 xuất hiện tại nhà Johnson, và thành viên Grove Street bắt đầu cầm khẩu Desert Eagle, MP5 và dao thay vì súng lục thường và TEC 9
- Graffiti is a feature added in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's October 6, 2016 update. It reintroduces Sprays (as they were previously unavailable in the game) under a new name and with significant changes.
- Graffiti is a secret underground level in Return to Dark Castle. It has graffiti on the walls, hence the name.
- Seattle has numerous hip-hop style graffiti artists with strong skills, but a shortage of suitable places to execute large-scale graffiti. For a while in 1992-93 there was a tolerated graffiti wall in a Capitol Hill parking lot. The following three images are from that wall at that time:
- Graffiti is an event in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It is continued from the card Enlightenment or The Knight Requests an Audience.
- As the game progresses, Unitology writing becomes more and more prevalent; eventually becoming the only kind of graffiti you will see. It is found mostly in chapters that have a strong focus on Unitology behind them, such as In Dead Space: Chapter 10, where it appears many Unitologists performed a mass suicide.
- In contrast to the voluminous memos found throughout the Silent Hill games, the comics employ extensive graffiti. Unlike the memos found in the games, the graffiti is simply used to build atmosphere, though it will occasionally lend itself to enhancing plot.
- Graffiti sind Bilder, die vor allem auf Mauern gesprayt werden. Jemand, der ein Graffito sprayt, wird Writer genannt. Graffiti oder Writing ist ein Element der Hip Hop-Kultur.
- Un graffiti est une inscription calligraphiée ou un dessin tracé, peint ou gravé sur un support qui n'est normalement pas prévu à cet effet. Le graffiti désigne aujourd'hui majoritairement une des formes que prend le vandalisme exercée sur les biens publics et que les collectivités locales tentent de combattre par des mesures passives (revêtements,...) ou actives (nettoyage). Le graffiti dans ses formes les plus élaborées est également une forme d'art graphique.
- Graffiti are writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed on a wall or other surface in a public place. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings. The collapse of society and law allowed graffiti to enjoy a renaissance, becoming truly ubiquitous. In the Fallout series, graffiti can give clues to the locations of important items, be developer in-jokes, allusions to pop culture or be clues to future DLC content; other times it may just be meaningless.
- Creating Graffiti is a Ritual or Custom that is Performed By Gang Members in Order to Become Innitiated into a new Gang. Even in the 22nd Century this Cusom Continues its known as Tagging and Making one Individual Graffiti Mark on a structure is called a Tag. Other Gang Rituals may Included getting a Tattoo on your body Such as the case with Peyote Kings of Peachtrees building located in the Peach tree block.
- graffiti is nekobolo's first solo album, containing Vocaloid and instrumental songs. It was first distributed by THE VOC@LOID M@STER 20.
- The Lighter can be found in the Drawing Room. 1.
* The first Graffiti is near the ladder, next to the crate closest to the camera. 2.
* Go to the Rooftop, on the corner nearest to the door to the Store room. 3.
* Examine the railing on 3F to rooftop. 4.
* The fourth is beside the Blue Herb in the Liquor room. 5.
* In the back-right corner of 3F of the Apartment, explore the crevice to find the Spear.
- Graffiti (singular graffito) were images placed on a surface in public view. The typical medium used was aerosol paint products. This form of self or group expression was usually done without permission of the surface's owner, with the intent of defacing the surface affected. Such activity was considered a crime in many jurisdictions, including Deep Space 9. (DS9: "The Circle", "Crossfire") Graffiti was also visible in an alleyway in 1996 Los Angeles. (VOY: "Future's End")
- Welcome to the graffiti section of the Icarus Verilog documentation. The ground rules here are a little different from the remainder of the iverilog wiki. This page is an experiment. The idea is to have a page that is available for more liberal editing so people can shout out suggestions for features, complaints about shortcomings, etc. Think of this as the "discussion" page for the whole wiki. So let's see how this works. --Stevewilliams 22:45, 4 March 2007 (UTC)
- Utwór: Graffiti Wykonawca: 52 Dębiec Kto gra w bity, a kto graffity, kto obala mity, i kto je tworzy w domu po kryjomu lub na dworze w srebrze i kolorze jest tylko jeden teren gdzie znajdziesz drugie SPC RW razem wiecej uwazaj dopadna cie chcesz to sprawdzic zapytam cie jeszcze raz chcesz sie zbłaźnic nie podchodz bo po co ma to co tak mocno przewyzsza cie okazac potem sie przy tobie jeszcze wieksze jeszcze potezniejsze jeszcze silniejsze jeszcze piekniejsze sztuka ktorej nikt nie oszuka ( ty i ty i ty ) nie dla ciebie mity odejdz z tej gry bo pies jest zly juz szczerzy kły trzyma parta nad warta z pogarda warczy kiedy patrzy na partaczy ktorym nigdy nie wybaczy
- Graffiti, ital. Singular Graffito, steht als Sammelbegriff für thematisch und gestalterisch unterschiedliche sichtbare Elemente, zum Beispiel Bilder, Schriftzüge oder sonstige Zeichen, die von Personen mittels verschiedener Techniken auf Oberflächen oder durch Veränderung dieser im privaten und öffentlichen Raum erstellt wurden. Die Graffiti werden zumeist unter Pseudonym und ohne Genehmigung gefertigt.
- thumb|Ein Graffiti. Ein Graffiti ist ein aufgemaltes oder auch oft aufgesprühtes Symbol auf einer Wand. Anfang 2370 beginnt Der Kreis seine Aktivitäten auf Bajor. Anfangs beschränkt er sich auf Graffiti an Wänden und Brandstiftung. Doch nach einiger Zeit werden auch Minister zusammengeschlagen. Deshalb soll Li Nalas zu seiner Sicherheit auf Deep Space 9 als Verbindungsoffizier zur Föderation arbeiten. (DS9: )
- Michelangelo's Early work mostly sucked penis. He dropped out of high school and started to do a lot of drugs, including weed and Ketchup. Soon after his first run-ins with the authorities, which friends recalled as "That time Mike ran through the Parthenon naked with two beers taped to his hands.", Michelangelo met a punky girl named Judy, who taught him to rock. Judy's brother, Rex, was an artist for the Vatican and the two became fast friends, often competing to see who could paint the most graffiti the fastest while high. And the still famous:
* Don't say it, spray it
- Graffiti refers to a form of art consisting of words or drawings scrawled across public buildings, monuments and other structures. In Egypt you can find graffiti scrawled by Roman soldiers on ancient monuments alongside those scrawled or drawn by Napoleon's army. American soldiers in the course of several wars left graffiti indicating that "Kilroy was here" in Europe, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and elsewhere. Modern graffiti artists seem to prefer the medium of the spray paint can. The more difficult the accessibility and the more public the location, the more prestige there is associated with graffiti placed there.
- GRAFFITI steht als Abkürzung für GRAesslich FarbenFrohe Intervention in die Tristesse der Innenstädte und bezeichnet das widerspenstige Gebaren einiger jugendlicher, subversiver Elemente den urbanen Lebensraum in geradezu obszöner Weise bunt anzumalen. thumb|left|Das ist einfach viel zu bunt! thumb|right|Bei diesem Anblick kann man doch nur auf dumme Gedanken kommen. Damit stellen sie sich gegen die Bestrebungen des Ministeriums für Wahrheit die Innenstädte in beruhigendem Grau zu halten, da erwiesenermaßen zu viel Farbe die Bevölkerung nervös und rebellisch werden lässt und sie so unnötig von der Arbeit ablenkt und ihre Produktivität sinken lässt. Darüberhinaus enthalten manche dieser Schmierereien Bilder, welche die Denktätigkeit verbotenerweise anregen und müssen deshalb umgehend getilg
- When a spray can is picked up, it is added to the spray bank. The spray can temporarily disappears from the map and reappears after a set amount of time. There are three types of spray cans- Yellow spray cans - When picked up, adds 1 spray can to the spray can bank. Blue spray cans - When picked up, adds 5 spray cans to the spray can bank. Red spray cans - When picked up, recovers some health. They come in two sizes; larger ones heal more health. Red spray cans do not add to the spray can bank and thus cannot be used to spray graffiti. Picked up spray cans can be used for two things:
- Als Vorläufer des Graffitis gilt der Schriftzug "Kyselak" , den der östereicher Joseph Kyselak im 19. Jahrhundert auf Grund einer Wette an alle möglichen und unmöglichen Stellen schrieb. Graffiti gilt auch als eine hohe Kunst des Hip Hops. Von der Sage her hat ein griechischer Botenjunge sein Pseudonym an Mauern und Wänden hinterlassen. Nach der Kunst dieses begabten Jungen kamen nach der Zeit auch viele Nachahmer. Das aber nur weil die New York Times eine brühmte Zeitung in New York über das Werk des Jungen berichteten. Graffiti gab es bis dahin nur in den USA.