| - Kytra Dorien (10 BBY) was born on Bandomeer in the capital city of Bandor. She attended the local university at proper age and graduated with a dual degree is xenoarchaeology and xenobiology. For some time, she worked largely off of theory, and Meerian culture, due to a lack of sufficient funds to leave her homeworld and exercise her gained skills. When the Xen'Chi invaded Bandomeer, Kytra was amongst the relative handful of individuals who had managed to escape the invaders' onslaught. During the attack, she lost her family and her friends, and the only friends she became familliar with were her fellow Resistance comrades. A few months would pass before their planet would see liberation, and during that time, she would do her part in fighting off the Xen'Chi. In 18 ABY, Kytra was approached by Reina Krailles and Nyra Zess to help them investigate rumors of a race of beings they witnessed in a vision. While Kytra was atfirst hesitant to agree, she was convinced it was not some wild goose chase and ultimately offered her assistance. Using her knowledge, she was able to discover the first clue ever of the existence of the species on Bandomeer itself, based off of the descriptions the two Jedi provided her. This kick started a much larger search for more clues in an attempt to piece together what, exactly, they were dealing with.