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| - Thora is one of the Shaikan living in the Shaikan Fortress in The Iron Fields
- Saiu da Caçada vitoriosa, com a pele da loba prateada, que completa a sua alma. Casada com Ivarr (rei-lobo), soberano do povo Viquingue. Está inserida na alcateia deste. Irmã de uma das narradoras, a Edwina (Guardiã da Lágrima do Sol) e da rainha do povo Vandâlo, a Freya, a sua gémea. Filha dos senhores da Ilha dos Sonhos, a Catelyn McGraw e do jarl Throst. Mãe do herdeiro do povo Viquingue, o Ulfrafdr.
- Thora is a Hairy Hooligan that is mentioned briefly in the Comic, "Dangers of the Deep".
- De Thora, ook gespeld als Tora(h), (Hebreeuws: תורה) (behalve als 'Tora' ook wel uitgesproken als Nederlands-Asjkenazisch: 'Touro' of 'Tojre' of 'Tejreh') is een Hebreeuws woord dat leer, instructie of wet betekent. In het jodendom gebruikt men dit woord meestal voor de eerste vijf boeken van de Tenach (Hebreeuwse Bijbel), die de grondslag van het joodse geloof vormen en daarmee als de voornaamste heilige boeken van deze monotheïstische godsdienst gelden. Tezamen staan deze vijf Thoraboeken ook bekend als: De vijf boeken van de Thora zijn:
- Thora was a Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother and member of the council of Mother Superior Harishka, in the events of the Prelude to Dune series. Reverend Mother Thora was in charge of the Sisterhood's orchards, and was an expert in cryptography. She had developed at the beginning of her career a technique consisting on introduce messages on plants. She replaced Reverend Mother Lobia in charge of the orchards, when the old Lobia was required in Kaitain as the Imperial Truthsayer of Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV. Thora participated in Harishka's council to determine if the no-ship should be given or not to Duke Leto Atreides from Caladan, where she affirmed that the Duke was abusing the information given to him years ago. During the session, Harishka realized that Thora was consuming several quant
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| - A subject of Miscellania.
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| - Alive
- Alive during Tutorial
First Appearance
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wikipage disambiguates
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| - Thora was a Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother and member of the council of Mother Superior Harishka, in the events of the Prelude to Dune series. Reverend Mother Thora was in charge of the Sisterhood's orchards, and was an expert in cryptography. She had developed at the beginning of her career a technique consisting on introduce messages on plants. She replaced Reverend Mother Lobia in charge of the orchards, when the old Lobia was required in Kaitain as the Imperial Truthsayer of Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV. Thora participated in Harishka's council to determine if the no-ship should be given or not to Duke Leto Atreides from Caladan, where she affirmed that the Duke was abusing the information given to him years ago. During the session, Harishka realized that Thora was consuming several quantities of Spice coffee. At the end of Dune: House Corrino, Harishka tought necessary to consult with Thora about certain passages of the deceased Lady Anirul's diary, which was the only surviving memory of the last Kwisatz Mother of the Bene Gesserit.
- Thora is one of the Shaikan living in the Shaikan Fortress in The Iron Fields
- Saiu da Caçada vitoriosa, com a pele da loba prateada, que completa a sua alma. Casada com Ivarr (rei-lobo), soberano do povo Viquingue. Está inserida na alcateia deste. Irmã de uma das narradoras, a Edwina (Guardiã da Lágrima do Sol) e da rainha do povo Vandâlo, a Freya, a sua gémea. Filha dos senhores da Ilha dos Sonhos, a Catelyn McGraw e do jarl Throst. Mãe do herdeiro do povo Viquingue, o Ulfrafdr.
- De Thora, ook gespeld als Tora(h), (Hebreeuws: תורה) (behalve als 'Tora' ook wel uitgesproken als Nederlands-Asjkenazisch: 'Touro' of 'Tojre' of 'Tejreh') is een Hebreeuws woord dat leer, instructie of wet betekent. In het jodendom gebruikt men dit woord meestal voor de eerste vijf boeken van de Tenach (Hebreeuwse Bijbel), die de grondslag van het joodse geloof vormen en daarmee als de voornaamste heilige boeken van deze monotheïstische godsdienst gelden. Tezamen staan deze vijf Thoraboeken ook bekend als:
* De Vijf Boeken van Mozes
* De Pentateuch
* Chamisja Choemsjee Torah (Hebreeuws: חמשה חומשי תורה, de 'vijf boeken van de Thora')
* Choemasj (Hebreeuws: חומש, afgeleid van het Hebreeuwse woord chameesj wat 'vijf' betekent). De vijf boeken van de Thora zijn:
* Bereesjiet (Genesis)
* Sjemot (Exodus)
* Wajikra (Leviticus)
* Bemidbar (Numeri)
* Dewariem (Deuteronomium)
- Thora is a Hairy Hooligan that is mentioned briefly in the Comic, "Dangers of the Deep".