This page is about Frequently Asked Questions about Sketchyphysics in general.
This is done when there is: 1.
* No relevance or very minor relevance to the Wiki 2.
* Inaccurate sources of information 3.
* The information is sparse If you want to keep the page, you must add relevant information and images which provide explainations of the character/object/location, or click the links on the delete tab to the discussion page as well as leaving me a message.
Most of the time, Death Technologies Incorporated finds that many questions can be commonly answered, please refer to the table of Contents or simply scroll down. If you do not find what you are looking for, please email:
This page is about Frequently Asked Questions about Sketchyphysics in general.
This is done when there is: 1.
* No relevance or very minor relevance to the Wiki 2.
* Inaccurate sources of information 3.
* The information is sparse If you want to keep the page, you must add relevant information and images which provide explainations of the character/object/location, or click the links on the delete tab to the discussion page as well as leaving me a message.
Most of the time, Death Technologies Incorporated finds that many questions can be commonly answered, please refer to the table of Contents or simply scroll down. If you do not find what you are looking for, please email: