| - Celebannon was a small yet elegant Elvish village on the banks of the Taurduin. Adventurers entering the Woodland Realm by a boat bound upriver on the Taurduin found the going slow; the current was swift west of the Long Marshes. This may account for the fact that nearly everyone disembarked at Celebannon (S. "Silver Gate"), the principal trade center of the Wood-elves. Here the so-called "Raft-elves" prepared goods for shipment downriver to the communities along the Annen, Celduin, and Carnen, as well as points further east (e.g., Dorwinion). Some stores were sent in large floating casks, while others were collected on finely crafted rafts of cedar and hardwood. Goods received from downriver came in a wide variety of forms, but were generally repacked in barrels while in Lake-town. All of
| - Celebannon was a small yet elegant Elvish village on the banks of the Taurduin. Adventurers entering the Woodland Realm by a boat bound upriver on the Taurduin found the going slow; the current was swift west of the Long Marshes. This may account for the fact that nearly everyone disembarked at Celebannon (S. "Silver Gate"), the principal trade center of the Wood-elves. Here the so-called "Raft-elves" prepared goods for shipment downriver to the communities along the Annen, Celduin, and Carnen, as well as points further east (e.g., Dorwinion). Some stores were sent in large floating casks, while others were collected on finely crafted rafts of cedar and hardwood. Goods received from downriver came in a wide variety of forms, but were generally repacked in barrels while in Lake-town. All of this modest commercial bustle made Celebannon a relatively cosmopolitan village, at least as far as the Silvan Elves were concerned. Travel ers seeking excitement could become involved in trade, hiring on as guards or acting as inexpensive transporters of finer merchandise; they could also frequent the Dindraug (S. "Silent Wolf), Celebannon's only inn. All should beware, however, of the fact that Thranduil was well-informed of any goings-on involving outsiders, particularly non-elves.No mortal passed Celebannon into the forest unless they were invited guests of Thranduil. Twenty-seven warriors of the elite Tirduin (S. "River Watch") fighters kept order. In addition, further scrutiny was offered; the watchful eye of Camthalion (S. "Steadfast Hand") was ever-present. Being second in command to the Master of Celebannon, Ohtar (S. "Warrior"), Camthalion wielded considerable local power. His daughter Narmirë (S. "Fire Flower") was abducted by a Hildo raiding party while gathering fruit in TA 1639, and the elven ranger was hungry for information regarding her fate.A small Elven village composed entirely of wooden cabin-like structures with thatched roofs, Celebannon was yet a town of some elegance, as were all places graced by the Immortals. All of the struct ures were extremely well made, with subtle decoration, and a modest grace which whis- pers of comfort and veiled beauty within. There was but one inn in the village, implying perhaps that there was not much in the way of revelry done here. Travelers and visitors should not have been deceived, however, for often there was feasting in Ohtar's Hall nestle d within the trees, open only to residents and their guests.