| - Tier: 2-C | At least Low 1-B | At least 0/God Tier, Possibly Far Higher Name: Unknown, goes by the alias BruceTheBatman on most sites Origin: Unknown, has appeared on Versus Battles Wiki and Real Life, has an offscreen influence in DC Comics and Star Wars Gender: Male Age: 15 (is Immortal now so it doesn't matter) Classification: Gamer, Divine Being, Mentor of Gods, Inventor of Prep Time, sometimes an internet troll, Anti-DBZ Revolutionary, Mega Man/Star Wars Fanboy, The First and Greatest Sith Lord Lifting Strength: Memetic (Has challenged Ryukama in holding the line on various vs debates) Batgod
| - Tier: 2-C | At least Low 1-B | At least 0/God Tier, Possibly Far Higher Name: Unknown, goes by the alias BruceTheBatman on most sites Origin: Unknown, has appeared on Versus Battles Wiki and Real Life, has an offscreen influence in DC Comics and Star Wars Gender: Male Age: 15 (is Immortal now so it doesn't matter) Classification: Gamer, Divine Being, Mentor of Gods, Inventor of Prep Time, sometimes an internet troll, Anti-DBZ Revolutionary, Mega Man/Star Wars Fanboy, The First and Greatest Sith Lord Powers and Abilities: Keyboard Warrior, Prep Time, can adapt to most technologies, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Divine Abilities, Type 5 Immortality, Can Grant others (Batgod) Immortality and Omnipotent, Many more Attack Potency: Multi-Universe Level (Has the power to crush DBZ Rankings on Vs Wiki, but spares all the fans on the site from it, having good friends who like it. Will probably crush Pre-Super Ratings even so however) | At least Low Hyperverse Level (Stronger than Batman) | Beyond Understanding (Stronger than Batgod), Possibly Far Higher (Granted Batgod his omnipotence with only a sliver of his own power) Speed: Omnipresent (Can view all knowledge via the Internet) | Immeasurable (Faster than Batman) | Massively Omnipresent++ Lifting Strength: Memetic (Has challenged Ryukama in holding the line on various vs debates) Striking Strength: Beyond Memetic (Has destroyed Cartoon Fight Club Fanboys utterly in various debates and in trolling wars. One-shot Batman and Batgod) Durability: Beyond Memetic (Tanked hits from Cartoon Fight Club Fanboys without trying. Stamina: Limitless (Superior to ScrewAttack Superman) Range: Unlimited (Can one-shot anyone with instant internet attacks) Intelligence: Much Smarter than Omniscience (Taught Batman everything Batman knows, but not everything he knows) Weaknesses: Actual Canon Screwattack Superman (Realized the bullshit behind it, saw through the illusion, and one-shot Superman) MegaMan.EXE, Mega Man X and Geo Stelar (Has defeated them with Video Game avatars) Kirito (Fight was limited to a video game duel and still stomped horribly. Can solo the verse) Batgod Batman (The student never surpassed The Master) Darth Sidious Exaggerated Goku, ScrewAttack Superman, Saitama, Mindless Hulk and Archie Sonic SomebodyData Actual DC Canon Matthew Schroeder (Match was debating MegaMan.EXE vs Pegasus Seiya with speed equalized)