| - --04-01
- No synopsis written.
- When Snapper takes a date out to see the new carnival that set up in Happy Harbor, they stumble upon a doorway which transports them to another world. Calling the Justice League for help, Snapper and his date are rescued by Superman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman. Relating his story to the entire League when returned to Earth, Snapper's adventure prompts the Justice League to send Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Flash to check out the carnival in their civilian guises.
They stumble upon a plot by the alien named Xotar, who's race plans are to conquer the Earth, however they setup their cosmic carnival in order to stop the Justice League. Taking the three heroes prisoner, and using their advanced technology to make two of their number look like Green Lantern and Flash, the aliens hope to trap the rest of the Justice League. However, while trying to trick Aquaman in the same trap, the captured League members manage to break free, and although their physical forms are distorted by a cosmic fun-house mirror, they manage to stop the impostors and their plot to take over the Earth.