| - The Abjurewall is the mystical barrier created by Tiamat to seal the Dormalch in the Darklands. It originally drew power from the essences of the dragon paragons, originally charged by the soul of Luzazul. Now, the Abjurewall stands as the transitive plane to the Dormalch-controlled realms of Nitharn, Molgon, Tolira, and Onino. The Dormalch Melidor controls the Abjurewall, and is second in power only to Tsaroran, the Lord of All. No creature may pass through the barrier without Melidor's knowledge.
| - The Abjurewall is the mystical barrier created by Tiamat to seal the Dormalch in the Darklands. It originally drew power from the essences of the dragon paragons, originally charged by the soul of Luzazul. In 4,301 DE, the last dragon paragon Lybonuric was slain in his lair in Grimwatch. The Abjurewall fell, and the Dormlach were unleashed in the world, quickly absorbing the essences of the deities slain during the Muse War and becoming gods themselves. However, the continued survival of Dri'natur, still possessing the energy of the dragon paragon Sarath'Argent, coupled with Anake's decree that the gods of Codex back away from the mortal plane, caused the Abjurewall to become energized again. Now, the Abjurewall stands as the transitive plane to the Dormalch-controlled realms of Nitharn, Molgon, Tolira, and Onino. The Dormalch Melidor controls the Abjurewall, and is second in power only to Tsaroran, the Lord of All. No creature may pass through the barrier without Melidor's knowledge.