| - Kaqemeex is a druid in the stone circle north of Taverley. You need to talk to him to start the Druidic Ritual Quest. At the end of the quest he teaches the player the basics of the herblaw skill.
- Kaqemeex is the start point of the quest Druidic Ritual, the quest required to start learning the skill of Herblore. During the quest, players learn that he is the master for Herblore. Players with level 99 in Herblore may buy the Herblore cape from him for 99,000 coins.
- Han gir deg Herblore Skill cape.
- Kaqemeex is the start point of the quest Druidic Ritual, the quest required to start learning the skill of Herblore. During the quest, players learn that he is the master for Herblore. Players with level 99 in Herblore may buy the Herblore cape from him for 99,000 coins. Kaqemeex plays a small role in the RuneScape novel, Betrayal at Falador, where he is revealed to have the ability to converse with animals.
- Kaqemeex (pronounced "Cake Mix") is a Guthix Druid who can be found in the house just to the east of the Farming spot, which is located North of Catherby Bank. Kaqemeex shop will sell you secondary ingredients for Herblore. To get to him you can use the Skilling Areas teleport, go to the second (2nd) page and use the Farming & Herblore teleport.
- Kaqemeex on Druidic Ritual-tehtävän aloitushenkilö, joka sijaitsee siis questin alkupisteessä, Druids' Circlessä. Häneltä voi ostaa Herblore capen hintaan 99,000 kultarahaa.