| - Kamui and Naisho decide not to take part, and ask the Varukiriis to take them home. One Varukirii each takes the fighters home and brings someone else in their place. Hiroya was caught completely off-guard by the sudden change of environment, in a single instant he was on his way to the store to buy groceries and in the next he stood in a forest, the air was clear and it felt good to inhale - Hiroya frowned, as he looked down at himself, he was dressed in that very same grey robe that he wore in his Spirit Form, and his Zanpakuto rested at his hip. So, wherever he was he was in a Spirit World. He nodded solemnly to himself before he started to make his way towards the clearing, determined to get to the buttom of this. Ryotenbin was informed that his original opponents where to be replaced by someone new. A single opponent...much to Ryo's dismay. He patiently awaited in the arena for his new victim to arrive. His Zanpakuto, worn loosely at his left side swayed ominously...all else was motionless...he himself was like a colored statue. "Come...come to me...like a precious rabbit to the hungry foxes den..." As Hiroya meets up with him the illusion of Kiyoshi shows himself to them. "Hiroya Ginkarei you are here to take part in this tournament." "Since two of the original fighters have withdrawn my Varukiriis went to find some else and they found you." "You are in the Valhalla Tournament." "As for where you are you are in Valhalla, well not exactly. " "The land that you are on isn't really Vahalla exactly, but the Great Hall Temple is.." The Kiyoshi illusion points to the gaint floating temple. " Once every few years, the temple creates these lush lands, but since Valhalla exist right at the flowing currents of time the land is aged to nothing." "So don't worry as the barrier stops the time currents, not one second will past in your time and that is why some of you are from the past, present, or future." " It is my position to make a temporal barrier to allow the fighters a place to fight." " So that one of what ever numbers fighters can win, and enter the temple." " Now as for what is at stake." "Now for the laws of Valhalla." First law, even if you are slained, Valhalla's holy grounds will revive you and send you back to your time and location." "Secondy, only the winner is allowed at Valhalla so don't try to Shunpo or teleport to it. " " As the Varukirii will throw you in the bottemless pit which goes to the time currents and you will be sealed there for all time with no hope of salvation." " Third law, outside of the Great Hall there is completely no Reishi (Spirit Particles) in the atomsphere, this means that there is absolutely no boost to your powers." " Fourth Law, as such Valhalla and the Varukirii are under my rule. " "So don't think that you can go to your family, friends, enemies, organizations, or even the Soul King if you lose, as they have no authority here." " Now this isn't a real law but it is advice don't attack the sky as it is the barrier and unless you want to be sealed away in time than don't break it." " Now, due to my skill and power in temporal spells, and abilities I can keep the barrier active for one earth year 365 days." " When, there are only two fighters left, this illusion of myself will reappear and make the final round." "Now Hiroya Ginkarei and Ryotenbin Shiki you start whenever." The illusion of Kiyoshi vanishes. Hiroya turns towards Ryotenbin slowly, smiling warmly as he speaks "So, you're to be my opponent, hmm? What do you fight for, if I may ask - also, what would be your preferred style of combat, we'll fight on your terms, as that'll give you a better chance and hopefully, I won't be able to harm you more than absolutely nessecary" Ryotenbin stared at Hiroya. The righteous type...Ryo looked at him with an expression of coldness...of darkness. He chuckled finally, and folded his arms over his chest. "So many questions. Lets see...my reason for fighting is because I was brought here to do so. My preferred style of combat? Don't focus on that. Harming me? Don't focus on that either. Surviving should be your main focus, so get your thinking straight." With that said, Ryotenbin unfolded his arms and stood stock still. Hiroya would make the first move. Hiroya stood completely still, as he began to encircle his opponent, not for any specific reason it would seem, other than to simply get a good look at him. Once he had finished the stroll he walked back to his original position, he then spoke "You know, despite your attitude, you don't look that impressive to me. Judging by your slender appearance, I'd gauge you to be one of those.. agile combatants. Or, perhaps a Kido practioner, such as myself?" Hiroya arches an eyebrow inquistively at Ryo, he clearly had no intention whatsoever of attacking. Ryotenbin followed the mans gaze has he walked around him, finally reaching his original position. He raised an eyebrow slightly as the man made a casual analysis of him. "Agile Combatant? If you mean I only use speed, you are mistaken. Now...are you going to attack? Or am I going to be doing all the work in this round?" Ryotenbin's position became slightly more lax, but his alertness sharpened. Hiroya answered "That is not quite what I meant, but nevermind it is irrellevant, yes, you'll have to start, I don't fight except in self-defense its principle, as for me striving to stay alive - We'll see about that, though its nice of you to care" Hiroya smirked self-assuredly at Ryo. Despite not wanting to make the first move, he appeared to be very certain of his victory, perhaps too certain, one might say.