| - Marlon – czarodziej występujący w MySims: Kindgom i MySims: Agents. Mieszka w Capital Island wraz z Księżniczką Butter i Królem Rolandem. Przygotowuje gracza do objęcia funkcji Królewskiego Wandoliera. Choć jest utalentowanym magikiem i zna się na wszystkim co magiczne, Marlon nie zdał swojej Teleportacyjnej Etykiety 101 w szkole magii i w rezultacie opracował zły zwyczaj pojawiania się wokół niezapowiedzianie. Na szczęście dla mieszkańców Capital Island, trzyma się głównie swojej Wyspy Magii, gdzie spędza większość czasu kolekcjonując wypchane zwierzaki.
- Ser Marlon of Tumblestone is an unseen character in Game of Thrones. He is a knight, and a patron of Littlefinger's brothels, where he is said to prefer amputees. His name is as reference to the Tumblestone, one of the tributaries of the Trident.
- Marlon (マーロン, Māron)
- Marlon is a Water-type Gym Leader in Unova.
- Marlon is a water-type specialist.
- Marlon is a normal type member and the lowest ranking member of Powace's elite four.
- Marlon (マーロン, Māron ) ist der Mafia Boss des DeNiro Clans. Er kommt nur in einer Rückblende von Mifune vor und deshalb ist nicht viel über ihn bekannt.
- Marlon is Madame Milkbelly's pet ladybird. He has not yet appeared in any books, and was just a fact on Madame Milkbelly's collectors card.
- Marlon var en gomp som var venn med Dudleif Dumling og ble et medlem av gjengen hans. Det er ukjent om han fikk vite at Dudleif Dumling hadde begynt å vise litt godhet til Harry eller om han gikk i skjul da dødseterene begynte angrepene sine.
- Marlon is the wizard for King Roland and the kingdom. He teaches and puts individuals to the test to become a Royal Wandolier. He also has a collection of Kingdom Pals. Marlon (MySims Kingdom)|MySims Kingdom||true Marlon (MySims Agents)|MySims Agents
- Marlon est un personnage qui apparaît dans Breath of the Wild. Il s'agit d'une des cinq grandes Fées du jeu.
- Marlon was a Los Angeles Police Department detective working at the Barn in Farmington.
- Marlon (マーロン Māron) is a background character from the Archanea Series of Fire Emblem. was an integral figure of the first war against Medeus alongside Anri, Cartas, Ordwin, and Iote. In comparison to the other Heroes, less is known about Marlon but it is known that he was a Noble of Akaneia and younger brother of Cartas who left the country to go to the untamed plains. He won the support of the plains people and after the helping his brother defeat Doluna, he founded Aurelis which his children ruled after his death. Marlon's lineage ends in the War Of Heroes with the death of Hardin, his only fertile descendant.
- Marlon appear in Sim Survivor, MySims Galaxy and MySims Fusion.