| - Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than you'll e'er see! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than the navy! Listen me hearties an' I'll sing ye the tale, of the a fearsome ship, aye, Hell did send out of the depths, in a midnight gale. The fabled vessel name o' Black Wind. Cunning was the captain Of this dauntless vessel fair, Though they never plundered but a coin, 'twas always 'nough to share! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than you'll e'er see! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than the navy! -Lanun Pirate Chantey
| - Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than you'll e'er see! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than the navy! Listen me hearties an' I'll sing ye the tale, of the a fearsome ship, aye, Hell did send out of the depths, in a midnight gale. The fabled vessel name o' Black Wind. Cunning was the captain Of this dauntless vessel fair, Though they never plundered but a coin, 'twas always 'nough to share! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than you'll e'er see! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than the navy! The boat herself was a sturdy old gel, Nigh invincible they'll tell you, Her hull was strong, and the mast as well, She could take whatever you'd do. Why they say she rammed a Queen O' the line Cloaked in the fog, dead a-winter You think that stopped a ship this fine? Well--least they had a carpenter! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than you'll e'er see! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than the navy! The crew was brave, the terror o' the seas, Hardened men of every stripe, The bounty on them could have pleased Even the greediest type. O'l Black Wind 's crew was the boldest lot, That's why they're in our chantey's, This verse goes out to their wildest plot, When they stole ol' Hannah's panties! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than you'll e'er see! Oh, heave and ho, and away we go, faster than the navies! -Lanun Pirate Chantey