| - Destructivedisk wanted to get drunk and write another story with me, and I was happy to oblige. I drank wine; I don't remember what he drank. Either way, we both got pretty wasted before writing this thing. I think we were on a skype or google video call, but I don't remember exactly. The whole writing process for this thing was kind of a blur. Destructivedisk created the page on google docs and then shared it with me and we went to work. I came up with the story idea for it to be about Chiaotzu. Chiaotzu is one of our favorite punching bags, and Destructivedisk actually likes all those useless human characters, so I felt it was best to write about someone he knew (I didn't want another Ain't No Hero on my hands). Anyway, we wrote this thing on starting on June 26 at 10:12 pm (my time). We continued writing until June 27th at 1:54 am. Then, once it was done, we posted it. This entire story was improvised. We didn't sit down and plan anything out. We traded off every few paragraphs, sometimes writing in each other's paragraphs or even sentences. There are several spots where I wrote half a sentence and DD continued it, and vice versa. You'll see below. One thing we didn't want to do was have this story be like some of our previous drunk stories with lots of misspellings and whatnot. We (at least me) tried to make this a normally-written story in that regard, and I must say it was much harder to do than it looks. It's hard to write well while drunk, I've found. After the story was complete, I came up with the idea of adding the logo and picture at the top. I had recently been browsing rule34 porn of Bulla with tunboy, and the ridiculousness of pictures there influenced me to look up Chiaotzu on the site. The below picture was the one that made me laugh the most. I think DD added in the censor bar and then we uploaded it on a separate account in case wikia admins wanted to ban whoever uploaded that pic. Still, it's a censored pic, so there's no reason why it would be bannable. We were just being paranoid. I quickly created the logo on cooltext and made it white and red because those are defining colors of Chiaotzu, and I wanted the red to look like blood. I very much like how the logo and picture came out. They really compliment the story, in my opinion. I will mostly be commenting on my contributions, though I may say a few words about DD's stuff. If he ever anthologizes this story, it would be nice to see his perspective on how TBOD turned out. Anyways, onto the endnotes!