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- Yggdrasil is the World Tree, a great ash tree located at the center of the universe and joining the nine worlds of Norse cosmology. The trunk of the tree may be thought of as forming a vertical axis around which these worlds are situated, with Ásgard, realm of the gods, at the top and the Hel, located in Niflheim, at the bottom. Midgard, our world that is inhabited by humans, is located in the middle and surrounded by Jötunheim, land of Jötunn, both of which are separated by the ocean. Yggdrasil is also sometimes referred to as Mimameid or Laerad. See Wikipedia:Yggdrasil
- In the ancient Norse mythology the giant tree Yggdrasil links and shelters all the various worlds: Jotunheim, or Land of the Giants; Anaheim, Land of the Peppers; Asgaard, Realm of the Gods; Niflheim, Land of Sneezes and Flu; and Hot-Lips Hooliheim, Land of Mash.
- Yggdrasil is the twentieth level of Tomb Raider: Underworld.
- Yggdrasil (also known as the World Tree) is the tree that supports the Nine Worlds of Asgardian cosmology. It was the tree upon which Odin rode when he hanged himself in sacrifice to himself, to acquire the magic of Runes.
- [[Category:Breath of Fire III s|Yggdrasil]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Yggdrasil]][[Category:Breath of Fire III Residents|Yggdrasil]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Yggdrasil]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Yggdrasil]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Yggdrasil]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Yggdrasil]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Yggdrasil]] Yggdrasil is a character within Breath of Fire III. He is an ancient tree of wisdom. The party can communicate with him at three different locations; Northwest of Mt. Myrneg, East of the Plant, and Northwest of the Steel Grave.
- thumb|300px|Darstellung von YggdrasilYggdrasil oder auch der Weltenbaum verkörpert den Kosmos und die neun darin vorhandenen Welten. Laut Heimdall beläuft sich die Gesamtbevölkerung der Neun Welten auf etwa 10 Billionen Seelen (Stand Thor: The Dark Kingdom). Von einer Welt zur anderen kann man mit dem Bifröst reisen, der sich in Asgard befindet. Während einer Konvergenz, bei der sich die Welten in einer Reihe befinden, ist das Reisen zwischen den Welten aber auch durch Risse im Raum möglich. Dies wollte Malekith ausnutzen, um alle Welten mithilfe des Äthers gleichzeitig zu vernichten.
- A Guardian ÄRM that calls out an enormous tree.
- Yggdrasil is a human military planet in the Gliese-Vernacter system.
- Yggdrasil, oder auch "Weltenbaum" ist inhumanoider Auserwählter von Vardis und dient als Gottheit der Agrarelbor und ihrem Schamanismus
- Yggdrasil es el centro de los reinos.
- Yggdrasil is the center of the Nine Realms.
- [[Datei:Orke-Pataremus-MBM06-31.png|thumb|right|280px|Orke und Pataremus in Ysanta, aus MBM6.]] Yggdrasil - Titel Der Titel des Herrschers von Pataremus in Ysanta auf Kiomba, das heute, wie früher, zu Aldodwereiya gehört, auch wenn es nach der Zeit der Nebel und der Wanderungen zu Harpland gehörte. Der Titel des Yggdrasil entspring im rang dem Adelsrang eines Grafen. Letzter bekannter Yggdrasil vor der Zeit der Nebel war Tohol Lasomo Ydobon.
* Segment: Kiombael - Reich: Aldodwereiya - Provinz: Ysanta - LeiterIn: Tohol Lasomo Ydobon - Myra-Fundort: 6 .
- Yggdrasil's gargantuan roots link each of the 9 worlds together.
* Garden of Yggdrasil - Located at the top of Yggdrasil.
* Bifrost - Formed from the Bifrost Tree, which is connected to Yggdrasil. It bridges Alfheim to Jotunheim
* Hvergelmir's Fountain - A set of roots that connect Midgard to Niflheim.
* Yggdrasil Roots - A set of roots that connect Jotunheim to the tree.
- Rufus and Alicia reach Yggdrasil after crossing into Asgard through the Ravine Caverns and Bifrost in their bid to recover the Dragon Orb from Odin and challenge his authority. However, the confrontation turns to their disadvantage, and Rufus is fatally wounded. Lezard, who had disappeared after the Sovereign's Rite, chooses this moment to return. He helps the party neutralize Odin, but then proceeds to reveal his true colours. Using the power of Silmeria, whom he kidnapped during the Rite, he neutralizes Freya, who has come to Odin's help, and, using Odin's distraction, transfers his soul into Rufus' body, steals Gungnir and vanishes again with both Odin's body and Rufus' (which now contains Odin's soul), leaving Alicia alone.
- Yggdrasil is the legendary tree of the equally legendary planet Greengard. It is said to be responsible for the eternal greenness of the planet, maintaining the plant life so it never dies.
- The gods go to Yggdrasil daily to assemble at their things. The branches of Yggdrasil extend far into the heavens, and the tree is supported by three roots that extend far away into other locations. There are also creatures that live within Yggdrasil.
- The first Yggdrasil is an enormous sand submarine stolen from Aveh and operated by Bartholomew Fatima and his crew of Sand Pirates. It includes living quarters, a lounge with a bar, and a Gear Hangar. Fei Fong Wong meets Bart and acquires use of the Yggdrasil for travel and shopping shortly after leaving Lahan.
- Yggdrasil 15px|Terme Officiel fourni par Pika Édition, il ne faut pas le modifier ! (冥界樹, デア・ユグドラシル, Dea Yugudorashiru) est un sort du Maléfice des Ronces.
- Yggdrasil is a fourth-generation international space station, its name borrowed from the world tree of Norse mythology, which was constructed at Lagrange 1.
- Yggdrasil is the Area 12 boss. It becomes available for challenge once the player has conquered the Hunting Ground and the Great Forest. Defeating Yggdrasil will yield anywhere between 50,000-400,000 Gold. It can also drop Fruit in place of a bag of Gold.
- Yggdrasil is a building on the island, Ragnarok from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer. It is named after the tree Yggdrasil from Norse mythology.
- Yggdrasil is one of the many worlds connected by Milliways. It does not contain a and is in most ways identical to the Marvel universe. The major difference is that Thor does not regain the right to use Mjolnir before it passes to Darcy.
- Yggdrasil (/ˈɪɡdrəsɪl/ or /ˈɪɡdrəzɪl/; from Old Norse Yggdrasill, pronounced [ˈyɡːˌdrasilː]) is an immense mythical tree that connects the nine worlds in Norse cosmology. Yggdrasil is known as the world tree in the old Norse beliefs, Yggdrasil is an enormous ash-tree, and although it connects the worlds, its branches are invisible.
- Yggdrasil was, according to Norse mythology, an immense ash tree which supported the world and was continually attacked by two serpents. The Seventh Doctor referenced Yggdrasil to Commander Millington. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)
- Yggdrasil, altnordisch Yggdrasill oder Yggdrasils askr, auch: Weltesche, ist in der nordischen Mythologie der Name einer Esche, die als Weltenbaum den gesamten Kosmos verkörpert. Andere Namen dieses Baumes waren wohl Mimameid oder Lärad.
- Yggdrasil is a tree connecting all the nine worlds in norse mythologic cosmology.
- thumb|Concepto de la parte superior de Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil (ユグドラシル) es el lugar sagrado donde X selló al Elfo Oscuro. Zero lucha contra Elpizo en este lugar al final de Mega Man Zero 2
- Yggdrasil was a boss in The Great Cave Offensive: Revisited, and makes a cameo as a boss in the 2009 New Year's Tournament. While his gender is unknown, he is often described as a male regardless. His figure resembles that of a large hulking golem, with a very distinguishable difference - his left side (your right) is composed of a darkish purple substance and is often called his magic half, while the other half is made of metal. In the center part where the halves join, a hexagon shaped plate is placed on its upper body, with six red crystals near each vertex of the hexagon and one more larger one in the center. It is believed that this plate is a sort of magical artifact that holds Yggdrasil's two halves together.
- Yggdrasil, ou Yggdrasill, era uma árvore (um freixo) que, na mitologia escandinava, era o eixo do mundo. Nas suas raízes, situadas em Niflheim, ficavam os mundos subterrâneos; o tronco era Midgard, ou seja, o mundo material dos homens; a parte mais alta, que se dizia tocar o Sol e a Lua, chamava-se Asgard (a cidade dourada), a terra dos deuses, e Valhala, o local onde os guerreiros vikings eram recebidos após terem morrido, com honra, em batalha.
- The Yggdrasil is a figurative tree used by the Asgardians to describe the cosmic nimbus that connects the Nine Realms. Each branch connects to one of the realms.
- The interior of the tree was hollow. From just inside the entrance, a person could look straight up to where wispy clouds gathered inside of the tree. A gently curving staircase curled up along the inside of the trunk, and every few steps brought them to an open doorway spilling out light. Bridges of branches streched from one side to another. Branches could even grow to the size of sixty feet wide, if not more. Dozens of tiny waterfalls spouted from the walls and splashed down onto the floor far below, where the water gathered in a huge circular pool that took up most of the foyer. The interior walls were smooth and unadorned, except from the twists and knots of vines that broke through the surface.
- In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is a gigantic, holy ash tree at the center of the cosmos that links the worlds together and also serves as the location where the gods hold court. Yggdrasil is also home to creatures such as Nidhoggr, Hresvelgr and Ratatoskr. The Norn goddesses Skuld, Urd and Verdandi are also said to live by a lake under the tree itself.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Bishamonten | Marishiten |Hourai File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Tiger I | Lilith | Dracula | Queen Butterflight | Ra x 6th Angel File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Windblade Murasame | Basilisk File:LightIcon.png Light: Vishnu File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Yeti | Kamaitachi File:Scroll.png Tower: 29F | 39F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Time) | Light (Carnage) | Dark (Time)
- Concept art depicts Yggdrassil as a gigantic tower built around an equally large tree-like structure, which seems to symbolize the world tree from Norse mythology. Located in the very center of Neo Arcadia, Yggdrassil is protected to the point that access is denied to even the high executives, and for good reason: at the top lies the chamber where the body of the original X acts as the seal of the Dark Elf.
- [[Bild:DDS_46.2.jpg|thumb|left|Yggdrasil im Körper Spencer Damons]] [[Bild:Yggdrasil_1.jpg|thumb|right|Yggdrasil in seiner Computerform, in der es auch oftmals als Digimon angesehen wird]] thumb|left|Yggdrasil als Kristallfrau thumb|right|Yggdrasil als großer Kristall Auch in Digital Monster X-Evolution kommt Yggdrasil vor. Seit 2015 gibt es auch Yggdrasil HTML5 Spiele : Yggdrasil Gaming. [[Bild:Yggdrasil.jpg|thumb|right|Yggdrasil in Digital Monster X-Evolution]]
- Yggdrasil is the heavenly supercomputer which organizes and runs the universe. It manages the goddesses' license system and handles contracts from wishes granted to terrestrials by maintaining the Ultimate Force. The emblems Belldandy and the other celestials have on their foreheads in fact are support programs running on Yggdrasil. The main system admins are Urd and Skuld, and Peorth occasionally. Minor supporting characters who help run the system are Chrono, Ere, and Ex.
- The most commonly accepted etymology of the name is ygg "terrible" + drasil "steed". While the name means the "terrible steed", it is usually taken to mean the "steed of the terrible one", with Yggr the epithet of the god Odin. In other words, Odin's horse, referring to the nine nights he is said to have spent hanging from the tree, or "riding the gallows", in order to acquire knowledge of the runic alphabet.
- [[Grafika:103941.jpeg|250px|thumb|Yggdrasil z oznaczonymi portalami]] 200px|thumb|Jedna z wizji Jesiona Świata, sięgającego swymi odnogami do różnych planów thumb|250px|Krajobraz Yggadrasilu Yggdrasil, Jesion Świata (ang. Yggdrasil, World Ash) to jedno z najbardziej niesamowitych zjawisk na planach. Jest to drzewo tak olbrzymie, że jego korona znajduje się na pierwszej warstwie Ysgardu, natomiast odnogi korzeni sięgają do mnóstwa rozlicznych planów. Wskutek tego drzewo wykorzystywane jest jako droga, służąca podróży między planami. Jedna z odnóg, zwana Helvig, sięga do Nilfheimu w Hadesie. Na Ysgardzie prowadzi do niej jaskinia Gniper, pilnowana przez potwornego psa Garma. Inna z odnóg prowadzi do królestwa Lokiego w Pandemonium, a kolejna do siedziby Norn na Zewnętrzu. Gałęzie sięgają rów
- In Dragon Quest II, the player can obtain a Leaf of the World Tree by traveling south of the Sea Cave to an island with one tree on it. By searching this tree, the player can obtain the Leaf. The party can only get one leaf at a time from this tree and if the player already has a Leaf of the World Tree, they cannot get another one.III
Unique to the game is the Yggdrasil flower which is said to bloom once every millennia. Its potency allows the revival of a departed soul.VII
A spoiler draws near! Click 'show' to display, otherwise run away! Thou hast defeated the spoiler.XI
- Yggdrasil er et prosjekt utviklet av Jens August Anker-Hansen for Anker-Hansen konsernet i 2010. Prosjektet omfatter en norrøn temapark bygget under bakken i Holmenkollåsens mange huler og grotter. Jens August fikk ideen da han kom til å tenke på Runa Jørgensens fornavn, assosierte det med runeskrift og derfra fant inspirasjon til en park med norrønt tema.
- Yggdrasil er lillebroren til Styggdsrasil. Mens Yggdrasil jobber mest med æsene og nornene, jabber Styggdrasil fælt med eslene. Det betyr at Styggdrasil er homo. Driti ut. På det lite kjente nettstedet wikipedia påstås det at "En rekke forskjellige skapninger holder til i grenene til Yggdrasil: Fire hjorter beiter i trekronen, disse heter Dåin, Dvalin, Dunøyr og Duratro. Det sitter en ørn i toppen av treet, og mellom øynene på den sitter hauken Vêrfolne."
- The Doctor and the Leader of the Medical Facility on al-Qazwini is Yggdrasil. It is an enigmatic "World-Tree", more flora, than fauna, a representation of a complicated symbiotic living organism, a kind of cooperative ecosystem based on a plantlike lifeform, which received intelligence and self-consciousness, and has its branches in another timelines and dimensions. Some scientists speculate, that the original "trunk" of the Yggdrasil surrounds its own home planet since 90 million years, the "branch", which lives on the al-Qaswini was separated from the rest only a few years ago (it is the youngest crew-member), when a Starfleet expedition wanted to research the special lifeform (which is similar in effect, like the Vox Sola entity), but it still has the same memory and personality, as the
- The most defining feature of Yggdrasil is the large tree growing from it, that is large enough to be visible from space. The roots of this tree travel throughout the entirety of the planet, and inside these roots are homes which aliens live in. The core of the planet functions as the core of Earth, but there are no tectonic plates on the planet (or if there were, the tree's roots merged them all together).
- Yggdrasil was the first World Tree, or Tree of Life, located on the Isle of Yggdrasil. It was tainted from Death's influence via the murder of the priestess Inari Okami on its roots in the First Age, and the symptoms grew worse when Mardük was sealed in his prison in a neighbouring land. The Silver Branch, the last untainted part of the Tree, was cut from Yggdrasil and was entrusted to the care of the Silverbranch line of mages who would find a wielder for it in hopes of making an ancient prophecy of restoring the World Tree to its former glory true.
- thumb|250px|Lightning regardant Yggrasil Yggdrasil, aussi connu son le nom d'"Arbre de Vie", est un élément clé de Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII situé dans le nouveau Cocoon, Bhunivelze. Lorsqu'on lui fait offrande de Radiance, celui-ci permet à Lightning de prolonger la durée de vie du monde de Nova Chrysalia jusqu'à un maximum de 13 jours et ainsi retarder l'apocalypse. Chaque fruit représente un jour supplémentaire pour le monde.
- Yggdrasil is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In both sources, Yggdrasil is an immense ash tree that is central and considered very holy. The gods go to Yggdrasil daily to hold their courts. The branches of Yggdrasil extend far into the heavens, and the tree is supported by three roots that extend far away into other locations; one to the well Urðarbrunnr in the heavens, one to the spring Hvergelmir, and another to the well Mímisbrunnr. Creatures live within Yggdrasil, including the wyrm (dragon) Níðhöggr, an unnamed eagle, and the stags Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór.
- From Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is known as the world tree. It is the giant ash tree that links and shelters all the worlds. Beneath the three roots the realms of Asgard, Jotunheim, and Niflheim are located. Three wells lie at its base: the Well of Wisdom, guarded by Mimir; the Well of Fate, guarded by the Norns; and the Hvergelmir, the source of many rivers.
- At the other end of Yggdrasil was Asgard on the plane of Gladsheim, the home of the rest of the Norse pantheon. Asgard contained many realms including Jotunheim, Alfheim, Vanaheim, and the grand realm that gave the layer its name, Asgard. All of these divine domains were near (in a cosmic sense) to the World Ash for easy access, but often required a trek of hundreds or thousands of miles/kilometers to reach the tree. Once on Yggdrasil, it was said that a trip from the Prime to either Asgard or Niflheim took at least 100 days, but history does not say that any mortal ever successfully completed the journey. Possible reasons were that the tree was inhabited by giant stags that grazed on the leaves, and the branches held many nests of giant eagles. There was also a giant squirrel named Ratato