Infidel or Unbeliever is what they call you if you don't believe in their God, whichever one that is. People look down on those they think are infidels. Conservative believers tend to look down on anyone who doesn't conform to their stereotype of being a "true believer". Liberal Christians, Liberal Muslims and other liberal believers are better than that.
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| - Infidel or Unbeliever is what they call you if you don't believe in their God, whichever one that is. People look down on those they think are infidels. Conservative believers tend to look down on anyone who doesn't conform to their stereotype of being a "true believer". Liberal Christians, Liberal Muslims and other liberal believers are better than that.
- This was possibly a general chat BBS in Dickinson, Texas.
- Narrow minded Christians and narrow minded people of other religions call Atheists, Agnostics Freethinkers anyone without Religion infidels. If they call you an infidel remember you have no reason to feel bad about yourself. 1.
* Everyone is an infidel to some others with a different Faith. 2.
* If you accept only Science and what the Scientific method can prove that makes you more sensible than those who believe irrational Mythology of whatever kind.
- Infidel (religions) 1) A non christian or non muslim. antonym: Outfidel
- Unless you believe that there is no God but Allah and that Mohamed(PBUH)is his prophet then you are an infidel. An infidel is anyone who is not a Muslim, or about 80% of the world. Infidels are generally fat, loud, sunburnt, white, stupid, and conniving. Generally they are God worshipping, which is a very good reason to hate them. This is because the fact that the Christian God and Allah are not one or same guy with MPD. Anyway, any contact with an infidel, especially a Christian, should be avoided at all costs, as it might wash off on you. If this occurs, it is recommended that you
- The Yuuzhan Vong referred to anyone who used technology or did not believe in their gods as an infidel. Infidels were treated with disdain at best, although violence was far more common. The Yuuzhan Vong had a deep-rooted hate and fear of any and all types of artificially-created technology, such as droids.
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| - Unless you believe that there is no God but Allah and that Mohamed(PBUH)is his prophet then you are an infidel. An infidel is anyone who is not a Muslim, or about 80% of the world. Infidels are generally fat, loud, sunburnt, white, stupid, and conniving. Generally they are God worshipping, which is a very good reason to hate them. This is because the fact that the Christian God and Allah are not one or same guy with MPD. Anyway, any contact with an infidel, especially a Christian, should be avoided at all costs, as it might wash off on you. If this occurs, it is recommended that you
* Wash infected area throughly
* Burn a flag of the nationality of your infidel.
* Watch Who's the boss?
* Take a sand bath
* Suicide bomb something
* Move to a small cave
* Kill yourself out of shame. The only thing worse than an infidel is a pig. To touch one is to be damned to an eternity of living in a very sandy place with no hot women, otherwise known as The Middle East. Infidels are a dastardly breed, and will stop at nothing to trick you out of your rightful place with 72 virgins in Paradise. You must never allow yourself to be hoodwinked, and you must constantly be on the alert. Check your InfidarTM. every five minutes, just to make sure no infidels sneak up on you from behind. They're rather good at that.
- Infidel or Unbeliever is what they call you if you don't believe in their God, whichever one that is. People look down on those they think are infidels. Conservative believers tend to look down on anyone who doesn't conform to their stereotype of being a "true believer". Liberal Christians, Liberal Muslims and other liberal believers are better than that.
- This was possibly a general chat BBS in Dickinson, Texas.
- The Yuuzhan Vong referred to anyone who used technology or did not believe in their gods as an infidel. Infidels were treated with disdain at best, although violence was far more common. The Yuuzhan Vong had a deep-rooted hate and fear of any and all types of artificially-created technology, such as droids. Any sort of technology that was not natural was destroyed if at all possible by the Yuuzhan Vong. In particular, it seemed that any sort of machine that produced fire was viewed with extreme prejudice. This hatred was so ingrained into the culture of the Yuuzhan Vong that Vua Rapuung attacked Anakin Solo, whom he had gone to some trouble to ally with, after Solo used a grenade to start a fire.
- Narrow minded Christians and narrow minded people of other religions call Atheists, Agnostics Freethinkers anyone without Religion infidels. If they call you an infidel remember you have no reason to feel bad about yourself. 1.
* Everyone is an infidel to some others with a different Faith. 2.
* If you accept only Science and what the Scientific method can prove that makes you more sensible than those who believe irrational Mythology of whatever kind.
- Infidel (religions) 1) A non christian or non muslim. antonym: Outfidel
is Monster
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