| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 06:36, December 13, 2013 (UTC)
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a popular RPG also known as Kotor. In this game your playing as Revan, arguably the most powerful Sith Lord in the Star Wars galaxy, and all of his comrades that he meets along his quest to locate all of the star maps, and ultimately the star forge. The games was developed by Bioware and takes place about 4,000 years before the movie A New Hope.
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic je videoigra igranja vlog, ki je prvič izšla 15. julija 2003 za Xbox, kasneje pa še za druge platforme. Razvilo jo je podjetje BioWare, izdalo pa podjetje LucasArts.
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) er et rollespil, der finder sted i Star Wars-universet. Spillet blev udgivet til Xbox, pc og mac. Spillet blev udviklet af Bioware, og udgivet af LucasArts. KotOR var det første rollespil, der fandt sted i Star Wars-universet. Spillet gav også mulighed for at vælge både mellem at være god og ond. Spillet er det mest kritikerroste Star Wars-spil nogensinde.
- odehrává se 3956 BBY (před Epizodou IV)
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- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is published by Dark Horse Comics. The cover price is $2.99.
- Prežite príbeh, ktorý sa odohráva v zlatom veku Republiky - viac než 4.000 rokov pred dejom prvej epizódy Star Wars. Počet rytierov rádu Jedi a Sith sa počíta na tisícky. Zatiaľ sa galaxia vzpamätáva z ozbrojeného konfliktu s temnými pánmi, hrozí jej nové nebezpečenstvo vo forme vojny medzi Jedimy a Sithmy. Kategória:PC hry
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic — компьютерная игра в жанре RPG, разработанная студией Bioware. Игра вышла 18 ноября 2003 года. Чуть позже, в 2005 году, вышло продолжение игры Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Сюжет игры начинается во времена Старой Республики (3956 ДБЯ) — за тысячи лет до восхода Галактической Империи и сразу после Мандалорских войн.
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) is a role playing video game developed by BioWare and published by LucasArts. It was first released in July 15, 2003 on Xbox. It was later released on Microsoft Windows in November 19, 2003 and on Mac OS X in September 7, 2004.
- This game's system is based on Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game, which is based on the d20 role-playing game system derived from the Third Edition Dungeons & Dragons rules. Combat is round-based; time is divided into discrete rounds, and combatants attack and react simultaneously. However, the number of actions a combatant may perform each round is limited. While each round's duration is a fixed short interval of real time, the player can configure the combat system to pause at specific events or at the end of each round.
- KotOR on ensimmäinen Tähtien sodan maailmaan sijoittuva tietokoneroolipeli ja se käyttää Wizards of the Coastin roolipeleistäkin tuttua D20 -järjestelmää. Taistelut ovat roolipelien tapaan vuoropohjaisia ja aika jaetaan kierroksiin, joiden aikana hahmo esimerkiksi hyökkää tai käyttää Voimaa. Näiden kierrosten aikana suoritettavien toimintojen määrä on kuitenkin rajallinen. Taisteluiden lisäksi pelissä on oleellista erilaiset valinnat, jotka saattavat johtaa joko pimeälle tai valoisalle puolelle. Pelaaja voi esimerkiksi valita, että auttaako jotain pelissä tapaamaansa henkilöä vai tappaako tämän.
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, abbreviated as KotOR, is an ongoing comic book series published by Dark Horse Comics. The first issue was released on January 25, 2006. As of 2008, it is one of the four ongoing Star Wars comic series produced by Dark Horse. Set in the Old Republic era, the series is a sequel to Dark Horse's earlier Tales of the Jedi comics and a prequel to the video games Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. It takes place during the Mandalorian Wars and nominally focuses on a Padawan named Zayne Carrick, who has been framed for a crime he did not commit, suddenly finding himself on the run from the Jedi Order. With a solid fanbase and robust sales, Knights of the Old Republic is to start its 2008 run
- KotOR e' il primo gioco di ruolo ambientato nell'universo di Star Wars. Utilizza il sistema di gioco d20 ereditato dalla sua controparte cartacea: lo Star Wars Roleplaying Game della Wizards of the Coast. Il gioco permette anche al giocatore di scegliere se seguire il lato chiaro o quello oscuro della Forza. Cio' e' determinato dalle scelte prese nei dialoghi ed in altre occasioni in cui il giocatore deve prendere delle decisioni che possono anche influire sulla trama. I combattimenti si svolgono a turni: il tempo e' suddiviso in round di durata fissa (circa sei secondi) durante il quale ogni combattente agisce/reagisce simultaneamente. Vi e' inoltre la possibilita' di configurare il gioco in modo tale che venga attivata la pausa automaticamente al verificarsi di particolari eventi, come a
| - Quattromila anni prima
dell'ascesa dell'Impero
Galattico, la Repubblica e' sull'orlo
del collasso. DARTH MALAK,
l'ultimo apprendista sopravvissuto del
Signore Oscuro Revan, ha
scatenato un'invincibile
armata Sith contro
un'ignara galassia.
Schiacciando ogni resistenza,
la guerra di conquista di Malak
ha lasciato l'Ordine Jedi
frammentato e vulnerabile
con innumerevoli Cavalieri che cadono in
battaglia, e molti di più
che giurano alleanza al nuovo
Maestro Sith.
Nei cieli sopra il mondo dell'Orlo
Esterno Taris, una flotta
da battaglia Jedi affronta le
forze di Darth Malak in un
disperato tentativo di fermare il
dominio galattico Sith.