Attributes | Values |
| - World 6: 中部海域
- World 6: 中部海域
| |
| - None
- ?
- Không có
- Không có???
E/empty -> F
| - * Meet all of the following requirements:
** Amount of SS ≧ 3
** Amount of BB + CV + CA ≦ 1
** Pass the LoS check of 16 using the F33(Cn=4) formula
*** Routing becomes random if the LoS is between 12-15.9 using the F33(Cn=4) Formula
| |
| |
| - ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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- ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
- ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
| - ?
- 飛行艇または水上偵察機を装備した水上機母艦・軽巡・駆逐艦による艦隊を同方面へ進出、航空偵察「K作戦」を実施せよ!
Deploy a fleet consisting of seaplane tenders equipped with flying boats or recon planes, light cruisers and destroyers, and carry out the aerial scout mission "Operation K"!
- MS諸島沖前面に展開し、同諸島方面に接近しつつある敵攻略部隊を捕捉、全力で撃滅せよ!
Expand to the forward part of the MS Archipelago sea, seize the enemy fleet that is slowly advancing to capture the archipelago, and destroy them with all your might!
- A powerful, hostile carrier task force has invaded the central sea's front line!
Join forces with the land-based air forces that are deployed in the area, intercept the enemy fleet and annihilate it!
- 飛行艇または水上偵察機を装備した水上機母艦・軽巡・駆逐艦による艦隊を同方面へ進出、航空偵察「K作戦」を実施せよ!
triển khai hạm đội các thủy phi cơ trang bị tàu bay hoặc máy bay trinh sát,tuần dương hạm nặng và khu trục hạm đặc biệt,tuần tra và trinh thám trên không
"chiến dịch K"
- 水雷戦隊を基幹とした攻略部隊または空母最大二隻を擁する機動部隊による中部海域離島攻略作戦を発動!艦隊、出撃せよ!
Commence the Island Takeover Operation on the Central Waters using either a fleet centered around a Torpedo Squadron or a taskforce with maximum of two carriers! Fleet, set forth!
- MS諸島沖前面に展開し、同諸島方面に接近しつつある敵攻略部隊を捕捉、全力で撃滅せよ!
Chiến dịch mở rộng vùng biển phía trước quần đảo MS, chiếm đóng chậm rãi thuyền của kẻ địch, sau đó tiêu diệt tất cả thuyền của đối phương!
- 有力な潜水艦隊を編成し、中部海域哨戒線に進出せよ。敵艦隊を発見、これを漸減撃滅せよ!
Organize a strong submarine fleet and advance a patrol line into the Middle Sea region. Locate enemy fleets and gradually destroy them!
- 水雷戦隊を基幹とした攻略部隊または空母最大二隻を擁する機動部隊による中部海域離島攻略作戦を発動!艦隊、出撃せよ!
Tiến hành chiến dịch xâm chiếm hòn đảo ở vùng biển trung bộ bằng một hạm đội thủy lôi hoặc một hạm đội cơ động không quá hai tàu sân bay. Toàn đội, xuất kích !
- 中部海域最前線に有力な敵機動部隊が襲来した!同戦域に展開する基地航空隊と協同し、敵艦隊を迎撃、これを撃滅せよ!
- 中部海域最前線に有力な敵機動部隊が襲来した!同戦域に展開する基地航空隊と協同し、敵艦隊を迎撃、これを撃滅せよ!
- 有力な潜水艦隊を編成し、中部海域哨戒線に進出せよ。敵艦隊を発見、これを漸減撃滅せよ!
Tổ chức một hạm đội tàu ngầm mạnh mẽ và tăng cường tuần tra vào khu vực biển miền Trung. Xác định vị trí các hạm đội đối phương và dần dần tiêu diệt chúng!
0 -> A/empty
| - * Fleet contains only submarines and the amount of SS ≧ 3
* If the fleet contains :
** Amount of CL ≦ 1
** Routing becomes random between A and B if the fleet contains DD
** Nothing else allowed, except SS
J -> L
| - * Do not meet the requirements to go to either I or N
B -> C
| - * Amount of DD in fleet ≦ 1
* Amount of BB in Fleet ≧ 3
G/resource -> H/resource
| |
A -> D/storm
| - * 0 - 1 [BB + CV] & 0 - 1 [CA + CLT] & 4+ [CL + DD]
* Otherwise, random
A/empty -> B,C
| |
0 -> G/empty
| - * Fleet contains only submarines and the amount of SS ≦ 2
* Amount of BB ≧ 2
* Amount of BB + CV + CA ≧ 3
* Fleet contains BB, CV, CA or CLT and the fleet has no DD or CL
F/empty -> I
| - * BB ≤ 1 & CV ≤ 1 & DD ≥ 2, AND F33(Cn=3) > 43
F/empty -> E
| - * Does not meet the requirements to go to either H or I
E -> G/resource
| |
J -> I
| - * Fleet contains 1 CL + 2DD + 0 - 2 BB/CV
J -> N
| - * Fleet contains + 1 CL + 2 DD
G/resource -> x/resource
| - * AV's Seaplane/Flying Boat will obtain a random amount of resource
* Having a Type 2 Large Flying Boat has a higher potential in gaining resources
H/resource -> J
| - * Pass the LoS check of 38 or higher using the F33(Cn=3) formula
H/resource -> x/resource
| - * AV's Seaplane/Flying Boat will obtain a random amount of resource
* Having a Type 2 Large Flying Boat has a higher potential in gaining resources
G -> K/empty
| |
K -> H
| - * Do not meet the requirements to go to J
* Fleet contains 3 CA
F/empty -> H
| - * BB ≤ 1 & CV ≤ 1 & DD ≥ 2, AND F33(Cn=3) < 43
D/storm -> G
| - * 3+ DD & 4+ [CL + DD] & 0 [BB + CV]
E/empty -> H
| - * Fail the LoS check
* Amount of SS 2
* Amount of BB + CV + CA ≧ 2
* If the fleet does not contain :
** Small chance of off-routing to H regardless of LoS check result
K -> J
| - * Fleet contains 2 DD + 1 CL + 0 - 1 BB
* Fleet contains 2 DD + 0 BB
G -> M
| |
E -> D
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