Lonno Deso was a male human who served as a major in the New Republic. He was assigned to the Republic Base on Mirrin Prime, where he briefed Commander Poe Dameron's Rapier Squadron after patrols.
[Source] Lonno Deso était un humain servant au sein de l'armée de la Nouvelle République en tant que major.
Lonno Deso was a male human who served as a major in the New Republic. He was assigned to the Republic Base on Mirrin Prime, where he briefed Commander Poe Dameron's Rapier Squadron after patrols.
[Source] Lonno Deso était un humain servant au sein de l'armée de la Nouvelle République en tant que major.
Lonno Deso was a male human who served as a major in the New Republic. He was assigned to the Republic Base on Mirrin Prime, where he briefed Commander Poe Dameron's Rapier Squadron after patrols.