| - It makes its debut as Vivio's Full Drive Burst attack in The Gears of Destiny. When cast in the game, Vivio first punches the opponent four times, and then charges mana into a huge sphere for further bombarding with a Midchildan Circle muzzle at her right fist. Chronologically, however, the spell should first appear in ViVid. During Vivio's Intermiddle match against Miura Rinaldi in chapter 35, Vivio asks Sacred Heart to charge all mana into her right fist to unleash "Blazer". A Belkan Triangle is depicted under her feet during the charge. However, she only manages to hit Miura with one punch, as she is then knocked down by Heaven-piercing Starbright Blade before attacking further. Later in chapter 58, it is hinted that Nove Nakajima has taught Vivio this knocking-out attack, which Vivio mentions she has decided but failed to use in the abovementioned match, and she decides to properly finish it in her upcoming spar-match with Einhard Stratos.