| - ((The Following is something between a report, a journal, and a letter telling a tale, written in fine cursive longhand)) It started as sport I'll be honest. Nothing more than a way to pass the time. Walking the cobbled streets looking for entertainment. There she stood, wincing in boots that didnt fit, a smirk on her face, stood below the the streetlamp, an expression like she owned the place. She smiled at me. Such a simple gesture really, the twitching of muscles to acknowledge anothers presence... and Yet, such a look can be so loaded. Hers was, She only smiled once she'd priced me up and decided I might be worth the effort. I paused to speak to her, to give her chance to worm her way out. But no, smiles and warmth and friendliness- falsely offered to the wealthy noble who had seemingly strayed into her world. I offered to buy her a drink. She accepted. Carefully pausing the conversation for an uncomfortable gap when she spoke, whilst retaining a calm confidence unsettled her. She downed her drink at some speed with nerves in the silence. So I bought her another, and another. She became increasingly Vocal and talkative. Damned creature drawing attention. I offered to take her home. "No! Please, Tom Can't see me like this." I still remember smiling in her face as I told her Tom had sent me to fetch her. Her eyes wide with joy, trusting blindly as I led her from the Tavern Across the city we walked, Arm in arm as friends, chatting and smiling. Only a grey haired man with a book saw our passing. I took her to the far-side of the lake, past the tomb of Stormwind's most noble bitch. I intended only to take her finger as a trophey. Poor foolish, trusting Faith. The wrong smile at the wrong person. Still - this should teach her not to envy which she does not deserve. As I removed her finger she transformed. Before me stood a Worgen, fur like dark ebony. The beast was confused, and angry, but most importantly- unaware. It seemed that the curse lived in her as a seperate being almost, its mind seperate. Fascinating. The creature had more smarts than the woman and fled. I threw my head back and roared with laughter. Oh Sweet providence what had you delivered me? The next morning I returned to the Tavern, This time dressed in simple finery, with a letter in my hand. I saw her immediately, perched at a table, she twitced like a frightened animal, her head turning watching every movement. I paid her no heed and went to the Bar, my order today, Dalaran Red. I took my wine and my letter and went to take a seat in the corner. As I did so I looked at Faith, and when sure she was watching. I smiled. Turning my attention to my wine and my letter I waited. I barely counted to five before she spoke. "Stop smiling at me". Oh Faith, such agression for an innocent smile. The woman advanced on me as I spluttered apologies, staring at the table, a picture of fear. I did not even dare raise my eyes to speak to her. She was demented, ranting and raving about how I was the woman who had driven her mad, about how I wasnt and how this woman had turned her into a wreck,and above all her desire to find her. Sobbing, whimpering and pleading I watched with amusement as she began to enjoy my misery. Finallay she tore my "Precious" letter from me before shredding it in front of my eyes. Two regulars stepped in to restrain her, I cowered as Emillia, wailing about the destroyed letter. The regulars spoke to us, and establishing that I was not the woman who had so wronged Faith, they helped me gather myself and leave without harrasment. It was all I could do not to allow the laughter to escape me as I fled. She was so wonderfully predictable. She would be easy to guide. I retrieve my armour from where it was hidden and changed. Climbing among the rooftops I sat, and I waited for her to emerge, I did not have to wait long. I followed her closely as she went home, keeping myself hidden amongst the chimney pots and battlements that define Stormwind's roofscape. Once she was inside I climbed down and picked the lock. Why people do not chain their doors when most locks are so cheap never ceases to amaze me. Closing the door behind me she turned. The fear in her eyes erased all the smugness power had brought her. She backed away as I advanced across her room, almost stumbling over her own chair. Poor terrified creature. Humanity is a terrible affliction, bringing with it fear and misery. I was carefully explaining to her the finer points of what would happen if she screamed when the door knocked. I ordered her to get rid of the visitor. I went upstairs in the house and climbed up into the rafters. Carefully positioning myself so I was in clear view for Faith but hidden by the beams from her visitor. Finally her would be saviour was persuaded to leave and the door locked behind her. I knew then I would win. No-one turns away their friends when in the house with the enemy. Dropping down from the Beams I smiled and spoke softly praising her for her compliance. I asked her how it had felt to stand over poor Emillia in the bar, to terrify the poor woman, bringing her to utter misery. Eventually I coaxed from her the answer as I knew it would be. "It had felt good." I smiled and nodded at the answer. I told her that such power could be hers, but she needed to be strong enough to seek it. I told her I had taken her finger from her not as cruelty, but to help her see her own fear for what it was, a weakness to be rectified. Her face glowed with desire as my words washed over her, just as she was looking confident I turned and scolded her. "Your rage costs you. Without a clear head the pursuit of power is a death sentance." She was confused bless her. I smirked as I told her that not only had I been the woman in the bar, that she had held a knife to. But that had she not let her fury master her she would have had everything she wanted. I suppressed my laughter that had she simply -read- the letter she had destroyed, she would have had my true name, and that of my lover, Connecting me to one of Stormwinds most wanted men. She was crushed, realising she had been so close. I left her with her thoughts. Two days later I stalked through the city at dawn. I left a note hammered to her door with one of my own throwing Knives. "The Yorgen Farmstead" I waited patiently for hours. Finally she arrived as I knew she would. She came to me respectful head bowed asking for Guidance, Thanking me for opening her eyes and begging for power she longed for. I promised her this, but ordered her to return to her former life, so that when she did leave, I would not be the suspect. She returned to Stormwind, I followed her in the shadows. She went to her commerades, telling them she had lied to them, That there was no "Mysterious Woman" who had removed her finger. That she had mutillated herself for attention. I must admit I smiled proudly beneath my mask. Not many of even the most power-hungry would throw their own sanity into doubt to achieve such. They headed for the Graveyard, back to the original scene, demanding Faith show them where she buried her own finger. I climbed and ran to reach there before them. Crouching on the roof of the tomb I awaited their arrival. A stepped from shadow, and took my place, leaving Faith stood in the middle ground, between myself and her friends. Oh the looks on their faces as Faith told them she chose to stand by the woman who had mutilated her. I whistled for my Gryphon, to take us from the city, Faith having shown her alliegence. As we took to the sky, a shot was fired. Wounding Faith through her shoulder. I urged my gryphon Nightstalker to new speed as we flew for the ruined house in Darkshire. As I Patched her up, she spoke of wishing to see "Ed" to explain to him, her dear friend. I agree'd to fetch him for her. And this I did. I was not her enemy, I would not keep her from her friends, all I wanted was her safe.... Still now the memory of this brings a smirk to my lips. It was painfully simple. These bonds of friendship make us pawns, easily manipulated for a cause. The next day, her choice made. I took Faith to Deadwind, and called my Mistress Bloodthorn. Offering her as suitable Initiate. When asked what she could offer Faith stumbled for words. I stepped forward and vouched for Faiths great potential. Behind me Faith beamed with pride, her ignorance still complete and blissful. I agree'd to my Mistresses terms, that until Faith was healed enough to be trialed, any of her mistakes would be my own. A term I willingly accepted given what stood to be gained. Faith was welcomed into the waiting embrace of shadow. Just as I had wished. The next morning I found Faith had gone. She had rambled of seeking out Tom. I tracked her to the Alley in the Dwarvern District. The stupid woman had got herself in a stand off, Surrounded by her dear Ed, the afforementioned Tom, and an assortment of lackeys and former collegues. I am not sure how we negotiated our way out of there but we did. I agree'd to speak to Ed and Faith, answering questions, but not within the city. The two of them were separated, and I tracked Ed to Redridge. Finding him alone. Over the evening we touched on many subjects, testing his knowledge and looking for anger. Finally having learned what he could I went to throw his dear sweet Dog from the Cliff. He reacted by encasing me in Ice. I smirked as I watched him leave, waiting for the trap to wear off. I returned once more to Faith, to warn her that her friend had betrayed her. He had tried to kill her Mentor, he could not be trusted. I told Faith that her friend believed her blind and bewitched, I cursed that I had let him see my face and know my identity. My eyes sparkled as She looked thoughtful, She apologised, and declared that she would "Deal with him". We ambushed him as he made his way from Elwynn to Redridge. I stayed in the shadows, Faith wishing to claim her former friend for his betrayal. I knew she was outmatched against a Seasoned hunter, I was not surprised when he shot her. But Faith was. She roared and persued him, finding herself encased in Ic, as I had been before. Only then did I step forward. Knocking him to the ground. I stalled, waiting for the trap to release the gravely injured Faith. The man spoke of a bargin, that he would take me somewhere where I could retrieve a 'Trophey' to pass as his. I agreed. But Once I had seen to Faith. As the trap released her she gasped for air, but eventually succumbed to the pain and bloodloss. I whistled and carefully lifted her on to Nightstalker, Sending her to Deadwind Pass. And within the reach of Dravius Lanceford. Once she was safely out of reach I went with the hunter. He told me I could recieve a Trophey from a traitor on the Isle of Tol'Barad. He would escort me he said. Poor fool. The Warzone is such a dangerous place. I left him with his life, but ensured he would not again lay his eyes on me, or anyone else for that matter. I returned to Deadwind. At the chapel behind the Great towering manor of Karazhan I heard voices. "Faith? Faith my Sweet!?" I called strong and clear waiting for the response. There was a low growl of Dravius's voice, as Faith scremed for me, before being suddenly silenced. I smirked to myself before carefully arranging my expression to one of concern and fear. I shall never grow tired of Lanceford's - predictability, but I will admit there is a certain finesse to his methods. I entered the chapel to find Faith bound, and Dravius standing over her. He told me to leave him with her for half an hour. And she would be returned to me alive. Faith screamed and begged me to save her from him. I find it amusing that either Dravius or Faith thought there was any doubt that I would leave her in his "Expert" care. He could achieve my goals far more swiftly than I could alone. I turned on my heel and left, grinning as Faiths cries filled the air. This would be the last time I would see dear sweet Faith. I returned half an hour later, the scene more than I could have hoped. Faith was Gone. Dravius remained. And there stood in the centre of the chapel her ebony fur sticky with blood, was Wylde. Dravius restrained the Beast as she snapped and snarled like a caged animal. Slowly and carefully we explained the gravity of her situation, and that she must behave should she wish to enjoy her freedom. She began to comply and listen. And then we offered Wylde the one thing she desired most. To rid herself of Faiths control. All it would cost is her unwavering loyalty and obedience. I called my Mistress Bloodthorn, declaring the Worgen known formerly as Faith was in being, and refusing to comply without having met the Lady Bloodthorn. My Mistress agreed, and she graced us with her presence. Wylde did me proud, She bowed and scraped, respectful and dignified. My Lady Mistress granted the Worgen her wish, Binding Faith's form to Wyldes will. The control passing to Wylde. I sit here consumed with glee as I write. Wylde would never have complied willingly. A creature too feral and to proud to submit to a mistress. No to reach Wylde, I had to charm Faith. Allowing my words to twist and blind, coax and tempt her to turn her back on her friends, her collegues, her former life. To pursue power with such reckless abandon. I kept my word. Faith has receieved her strength, her power. She is no longer afraid. She now able to flourish to her "Full Potential". As Wylde.