| - Named after the Swedish home furniture retail chain, IKEA Erotica describes the tendency of badly written sex scenes to be nothing more than "insert tab A into slot B" ad nauseam, as though the readers actually didn't know what goes where. The result is that the participants might as well be doing nothing more interesting than assembling a flat-pack wardrobe, the kind of affordable, Swedish, some-assembly-required furniture IKEA is known for. The point of erotica is to make the reader feel something of what the characters do, which in most cases will be arousal rather than boredom. It's often a sign that the writer didn't want to have a sex scene here but got overruled, or that the writer is sexually inexperienced and writing with the aid of a biology textbook (a lot of Fan Fiction written
| - Named after the Swedish home furniture retail chain, IKEA Erotica describes the tendency of badly written sex scenes to be nothing more than "insert tab A into slot B" ad nauseam, as though the readers actually didn't know what goes where. The result is that the participants might as well be doing nothing more interesting than assembling a flat-pack wardrobe, the kind of affordable, Swedish, some-assembly-required furniture IKEA is known for. The point of erotica is to make the reader feel something of what the characters do, which in most cases will be arousal rather than boredom. It's often a sign that the writer didn't want to have a sex scene here but got overruled, or that the writer is sexually inexperienced and writing with the aid of a biology textbook (a lot of Fan Fiction written by 14-year-old girls comes into this category, often minus the biology textbook), making it less of a case of You Fail Sex Ed and more You Haven't Even Taken The Course Yet. Examples are too numerous to list, and too forgettable to remember in any case. However, it can be used properly. IKEA Erotica has its merits as a tool of parody or simply as a means to fool the censors. If used from the POV of a certain type of character, it can be in interesting insight into their psyche -- provided, of course, that the rest of the writing is enough to make this Stylistic Suck apparent. It can also be used if the character simply thinks that the sex sucks (and not in a fun way). An extremely common feature of Porn Without Plot. An example of IKEA Erotica is the line, "He pressed his hard sex against her soft sex and they had sex". A frequently usable antidote: lead up to the act, then pull a Discretion Shot at the end of the chapter, coming back in during the next chapter when it's all over. It works in cinema, and it can work for you, too! The extreme of IKEA Erotica is "verbing the noun", in which the scene is given mostly or entirely in subject-verb-object sentences in which the key words could be replaced by anything and you'd have difficulty noticing. Not to be confused with furniture porn. Or The IKEA Fancy Dress Dinner Party. Also not to be confused with a Cargo Ship. Or furniture porn. See also Fetish Retardant and Narm, common consequences of IKEA Erotica. Contrast with Mills and Boon Prose.