Then it came to pass in the days when the Jacksons ruled that there was a great famine in the land. And the people of the dancefloor were sorely without, and they did cry to the heavens; 'Oh LORD, how long must we wait? How long must we live in the air?' And then came Disco Jesus, and verily he was clothéd in garments of pure acrylic, and his platforms were high and true. And he did say unto the people of the dancefloor; 'Keep on with the force don't stop. Don't stop 'til you get enough. Ma-ma-ma-ma.' (Book of Boney M 3:16)
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| - Then it came to pass in the days when the Jacksons ruled that there was a great famine in the land. And the people of the dancefloor were sorely without, and they did cry to the heavens; 'Oh LORD, how long must we wait? How long must we live in the air?' And then came Disco Jesus, and verily he was clothéd in garments of pure acrylic, and his platforms were high and true. And he did say unto the people of the dancefloor; 'Keep on with the force don't stop. Don't stop 'til you get enough. Ma-ma-ma-ma.' (Book of Boney M 3:16)
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| - Then it came to pass in the days when the Jacksons ruled that there was a great famine in the land. And the people of the dancefloor were sorely without, and they did cry to the heavens; 'Oh LORD, how long must we wait? How long must we live in the air?' And then came Disco Jesus, and verily he was clothéd in garments of pure acrylic, and his platforms were high and true. And he did say unto the people of the dancefloor; 'Keep on with the force don't stop. Don't stop 'til you get enough. Ma-ma-ma-ma.' (Book of Boney M 3:16) One of his earliest miracles was the turning of champagne into amyl nitrate at the legendary Club Cana, he also went on to distribute only a gram of cocaine among the five thousand revelers at Studio Bethsaida. He miraculously healed dancefloor injuries (sore feet, grope-induced bruises, ringing ears) with a simple two-step move, and he revived the popularity of Los Angeles-based Jewish three-piece disco group Lazarus!! when many thought it beyond saving. Disco Jesus was also known for his astounding choreography in the music videos of honky tonk band The Contortionists. One of his most amazing miracles however, is his ability to turn water...into funk!