Ria Deleru was a Nautolan female who lived during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. During the war, she immigrated to the capital world of the Republic, Coruscant, with her husband, Nik Deleru, but the two found life in the planet's Galactic City difficult. They were among the thousands of other alien refugees who occupied the Old Galactic Market sector in the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant at the end of the war, and like many of their contemporaries, the two fell into severe poverty. Around 3643 BBY, during the Cold War, Ria became fed up with her economic situation and Nik's jealous and obsessive behavior, and so chose to escape into a life as an erotic dancer with Hanera's Dance Troupe. She led Nik to believe that she had been captured by t
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| - Ria Deleru was a Nautolan female who lived during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. During the war, she immigrated to the capital world of the Republic, Coruscant, with her husband, Nik Deleru, but the two found life in the planet's Galactic City difficult. They were among the thousands of other alien refugees who occupied the Old Galactic Market sector in the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant at the end of the war, and like many of their contemporaries, the two fell into severe poverty. Around 3643 BBY, during the Cold War, Ria became fed up with her economic situation and Nik's jealous and obsessive behavior, and so chose to escape into a life as an erotic dancer with Hanera's Dance Troupe. She led Nik to believe that she had been captured by t
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| - *Migrant Merchants' Guild
*Hanera's Dance Troupe
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| - Ria Deleru was a Nautolan female who lived during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. During the war, she immigrated to the capital world of the Republic, Coruscant, with her husband, Nik Deleru, but the two found life in the planet's Galactic City difficult. They were among the thousands of other alien refugees who occupied the Old Galactic Market sector in the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant at the end of the war, and like many of their contemporaries, the two fell into severe poverty. Around 3643 BBY, during the Cold War, Ria became fed up with her economic situation and Nik's jealous and obsessive behavior, and so chose to escape into a life as an erotic dancer with Hanera's Dance Troupe. She led Nik to believe that she had been captured by the violent crime organization known as the Migrant Merchants' Guild, and although he sent an emissary to retrieve her, she was able to convince the messenger that she had found a better life.