| - This topper is available as a random drop from playing completed online matches. This topper can be traded to other players.
- Beret - płaskie, okrągłe nakrycie głowy z sukna, aksamitu, wełny. kategoria:słownikkategoria:moda
- Soft hat made from felt and down. Artists prefer this style of hat.
* 1 Felt, 8 Down
* 1 Felt, 8 Down, 1 Any kind of Dye
- The Beret is a mid-ranked hat that provides +5 Defense, +4 Magic Defense, and +4% Magic Evasion. It can be bought for 1,200 gil in Kaipo or found at the Impact Crater (as Edward).
- Image:Beret.pngDescription: BeretPrice:- US: $0.49 Terms of Service:Download is subject to the PlayStation(R)Network Terms of Service/User Agreement and any specific additional conditions applying to this item. If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not download this item. Download is licensed or sublicensed to you for use solely within PlayStation(R)Home by the purchasing PSN account. Content may not be used by any other account.
- A Beret is a soft, round, flat-crowned hat. Berets are mostly worn by artists, and mostly in France. A wizard during the 1991 Start-of-Term Feast at Hogwarts owned one, so did a wizard who was hiding behind some broken stones in the Viaduct Courtyard near the Viaduct beside some checkpoint towers during the Battle of Hogwarts.
- Berets are items obtained from Level 1 Treasure trails or by trading with other players. They provide no combat bonuses and are purely cosmetic. They come in black, white, red, and blue. Black berets can be attached to a Mime mask by talking to Patchy on Mos Le'Harmless for a price of 500 coins.
- The beret is a piece of headwear in Fallout: New Vegas.
- "Beret" is a easygoing ex-marine who was plucked from Iraq. Due to poor choice of suntanning location, he almost got hit by a stray RPG. Time seemed to freeze, Beret cacked his pants, and a voice offered him an avenue of escape. Confident he could handle it, and anything was better than death, he accepted, and vanished from earth. He is presumed dead, because everyone has assumed that he was vaporized by the RPG, leaving nothing but his chair behind. He continues to live, killing fellow competitors, and bemoaning the loss of his $5 sunglasses, which were not teleported with him. The other competitors give him crap about his beret, for which he has almost died on a number of occasions. Nobody knows his real name.
- Beret (suom. Baskeri) on RuneScapen suosittu hattutyyli. Niitä saa ostettua Grand Exhangelta, tai saada palkinnoksi Treasure Trailista. Berettejen keskimääräinen hinta on 100K-200K. Beretejä on kolmea eri väriä: -Black Beret (Musta Baskeri) -Blue Beret (Sininen Baskeri) -White Beret (Valkoinen Baskeri) Tieto tutkittaessa: Parlez-vous francais?Sumennos: Haluatko puhua ranskaa? Luokka:Hatut en:Beret
- In June 2009, the White Beret's price saw an increase of around 200%. This is due to Jagex fixing the glitch which caused people to turn bald when they equipped the berets.
- A beret ( or ; ) is a soft, round, flat-crowned hat, usually of woven, hand-knitted wool, crocheted cotton, wool felt, or acrylic fibre. Beret-like headwear has been worn across Europe since pre-Roman times. Mass production began in 19th century France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, countries with which it remains associated. Berets are worn as part of the uniform of many military and police units worldwide, as well as by other organizations.
- A Beret is a hat accessory in Nintendogs and Nintendogs + Cats. It is striped and can be found on walks, or in the accessories shop Coletta in the 3DS version. It is worth $10 in the DS version while it costs $17 in the 3DS version. In the DS version, the hat is red plaid, and in the 3DS version it is blue and white striped.
- A bright green, flattened cap that represents bravery.
- The Beret is a type of clothing featured in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.