| - Tyrya Thaeluestri Flamehand was a sorceror that dreamed to become a magister. Born in Eversong Woods, she started to practise deeply the fire and frost magic. When the Sunwell was destroyed, she looked for a new source of power, but was not powerful enough to risk her life by going to Outland. With a friend, named Roun, they were doing nothing but draining their fel crystals... until, after about an year of alliance with the Forsaken, the two mages met with a lone undead that was in need of apprentices. The mysterious mage appeared to be very powerful and wise, so the duo acepted his request. In exchange, they would have had to abbandon the fel crystals. With some difficulties, Tyrya suceed to leave her obsession for the crystals and focus on his new master's goals. Oscurit Faramos, this w
| - Tyrya Thaeluestri Flamehand was a sorceror that dreamed to become a magister. Born in Eversong Woods, she started to practise deeply the fire and frost magic. When the Sunwell was destroyed, she looked for a new source of power, but was not powerful enough to risk her life by going to Outland. With a friend, named Roun, they were doing nothing but draining their fel crystals... until, after about an year of alliance with the Forsaken, the two mages met with a lone undead that was in need of apprentices. The mysterious mage appeared to be very powerful and wise, so the duo acepted his request. In exchange, they would have had to abbandon the fel crystals. With some difficulties, Tyrya suceed to leave her obsession for the crystals and focus on his new master's goals. Oscurit Faramos, this was the name of the mage, revealed to be much more powerful and, with time, he appeared hostile towards different members of the Horde. It was after a long time that the wizard revealed to be a dragonsworn, a servant that was looking over the population of the 'lesser beings', wich is as the dragons call the mortal races, with the purpose to reveal, later, to his master Ralgos what happened. Tyrya and Roun were schocked, but they both acepted to keep aiding him, expecially as his forces were growing: in his numbers different thugs, looking for a place where to protect themselves, were covering behind Oscurit. After some time, Tyrya started to feel not only devotion, but even friendship toward Faramos, something that his master confessed to feel aswell. Friends were rare in such times, and expecially were rare for Faramos, a very paranoid man. He said that, in future, Tyrya could have become a dragonsworn, too. With the promise of seeing Ralgos, the great ancient wyrm Oscurit was worshipping, she started to learn the Blue Dragonflight's culture, along with Roun. Even when the Sunwell was restored, they chosed to remain with their master. When the Nexus War arrived, the choice was between Silvermoon City and the mystical and magic faction that their leader was talking about. Roun, when he heard of Oscurit's wicked ideas to weaken the already weak nation of Silvermoon, rebelled and tried to warn the magisters. Ravanir, a thug at the service of Faramos, was warned of his defection by Tyrya herself and the poor Roun was never found again. Oscurit was concerned about the loyalty the young elf had, and confirmed she would have suceeded him as the new heir of the Faramos, a voice he already touched in rare occasions long ago. When the Nexus War ended and Malygos died, his master fell in a deep depression, that was, altrough, torn apart by the return of Ralgos, the ancient blue wyrm who continued to follow the Blue Aspect's ideals. The Faramos were once again a glorious faction, once again under the sigil of the Azure Dragons. She then started to learn the Faramos's affairs, making detailed reports and taking care of the Noblehouse while Oscurit was working for a certain Mailann and the Shadows of Lordaeron, names she often heard comming out from her master's mouth. ...It was in a cold, dark night that she found a letter, telling her that the Faramos Noblehouse were moving to Outland to search a powerful artifact, the Arcane Storm. She met Faramos once more, and the duo immediatly mobitalized, along with good part of the Noblehouse. In the Netherstorm the forsaken, unexperienced against such creatures, were in crisis. The undeads were often ambushed not only by the ethreals, but by strange beasts native from Draenor. The Faramos, unprepared to defend themselves, would have been yet the prey of the ethereum, yet the prey of the great colossi around the region, or even attacked by unnatural beasts if wasn't for Vexagos, Oscurit's drake, who was always ready to defend the group as soon as the enemies were approaching, the Faramos would have retreated after the first days. The lack of resources all around was weakening Oscurit's troops so they had to plan an attack. The attack revealed to be a terrible idea: the ethereum ambushed the group and killed many of the Faramos. Oscurit and Vexagos, altrough, suceeded in manipulating the situation with powerful magic abilities, letting the survivors flee. Tyrya was, altrough, badly injured and, even if brought back to the camp, she died that very same day. The elf's soul was so freed from his body. Oscurit altrough returned with the support of the Shadows of Lordaeron in Outland taking back the Arcane Storm and his vengeance.