| - The Blood-Kin are non-Orcish members of the Orc Strongholds. The Dragonborn can become Blood-kin by completing an assortment of tasks or by completing the quest "The Forgemaster's Fingers." If the Dragonborn asked for this title before doing any quests, the reply would be, "Trust like that is not freely given." If the task is completed, the chief of one of the Orc Strongholds says, "You are the first to return from this task."[citation needed] Alternatively, the Dragonborn may complete a quest for certain Orc NPCs. Once their favor has been gained, they will send word out to all the strongholds that the Dragonborn is to be trusted. After completing any of the following quests, the Dragonborn will be granted access to all the Orc Strongholds in Skyrim.
* Retrieve a Daedra Heart for the Orc blacksmith Moth gro-Bagol in Understone Keep in Markarth. As well as sending word to the strongholds, he will also give the player the location of the most inhabited stronghold, Dushnikh Yal, and a leveled piece of armor.
* After completing the quest "Clear Kolskeggr Mine," speak to the Orc miner Gat gro-Shargakh, who will be near the quest giver.
* Retrieve The Last Scabbard of Akrash for Ghorza gra-Bagol, an Orc blacksmith is stationed at the blacksmith forge near The Hag's Cure in Markarth.
* Complete a series of fetch quests for Urag gro-Shub, an Orc mage and the librarian of The Arcanaeum at the College of Winterhold.
* After killing the Silver-Bloods mercenaries at Karthwasten for Ainethach, speak to the Orc miner Lash gra-Dushnikh who will be nearby.
* If the Dragonborn kills a dragon outside of the gates of a stronghold, they will be granted entry because of their valor.
* Upon completion of "A New Order," a Dawnguard quest, Durak will send word to the strongholds.
* If the first stronghold the player visits is Largashbur, and they are at least level 10, the completion of "The Cursed Tribe" will mark the player as the Champion of Malacath and gain them access to all strongholds. [[Category:: Stub]]