| - Trudy ist ein Nebencharakter aus Professor Layton und die Schatulle der Pandora und taucht als Fahrgast im Molentary-Express auf. Sie teilt sich ein Abteil mit ihrem Mann Ernest, den man stets mit ihr zusammen sieht. Ihr Reiseziel ist nicht bekannt.
- Trudy is a member of Jeb's rebel cell.
- Trudy is the star of Bee Movie.
- Trudy travels with her sisters Greta and Libby to Miami, to meet her niece Lorraine's new fiance Michael. However, she is surprised to see that he is white. Trudy is portrayed by Lynn Hamilton.
- __INDEX__ Trudy ist ein Charakter aus der Serie Cosmo & Wanda. Sie ist Vickys Schwester und ist unsterblich verliebt in Timmy Turner. Außerdem ist sie Schülerin an der Dimmsdale Elementary School.
- Trudy est devenue la tenancière du Prospector Saloon en 2274, elle est la gérante et joue le rôle de barmaid. Trudy est d'un tempérament calme, tout comme les autres habitants de Goodsprings, elle ne cherche pas les histoires et souhaite vivre paisiblement. Trudy est très appréciée par les habitants de Goodsprings et est considérée comme une mère.
- Trudy is a character in the film Friday the 13th, in which she is portrayed by Dorothy Kobs.
- |} Trudy - jest to postać z 1953 roku grana przez Zendaye Coleman. Jej najlepszą przyjaciółką była Edie Wilde. Była nastoletnią tancerką w Amerykańskiej Szafie Grającej. Była tancerką tła, tańcząc na platformie, w przeciwieństwie do głównej sceny, bo nie miała partnera. Próbowała pomóc Edie wrócić do programu idąc nawet tak daleko jak pisanie 5-stronicowego eseju o tym, dlaczego powinien Perry pozwolić Edie wrócić z powrotem do show, lecz Perry odmówił. Jej chłopakiem był Ace, który w szkole powiedział, gdy nie chciała iść do Saucy's, że szkoda, bo będzie tam najpiękniejszą dziewczyną.
- Secretary to Maxwell Smart, Chief of CONTROL. Hired by the temp agency, Trudy was told she would be working for an "agent" and assumed it was a talent agent leading to numerous misunderstandings. However, Max is unable to send her back because "during lunch she read all our secret files and now I have to keep her or kill her" [GS Episode #7: "Liver Let Die"]. On occasion, he finds her quirks so irritating the he finds the latter a serious alternative: "I've got a license to kill; maybe I could make it look like she started it" [GS95 Episode #6: "Wurst Enemies"].
- They first meet in the ladies' room at MacLaren's Pub in The Pineapple Incident. Having just got out of a two-year relationship, she decide to hook up with the first guy she sees. Just then, Barney makes an appearance at their table, but she dismisses him. Later, drunk Ted starts singing out loud in the bar on top of a table not far from where she and her friends are sitting. She finds him cute and laughs at him when he falls off the table top.
- "If he's not going to stand by you, then he's no good for you!" - Trudy Trudy is a survivor of the virus, and a member of the original Mallrats. She arrived pregnant with the child of Zoot and needy at the Mall with Bray by her side. She is rejected at first after a vote is made by the Mallrats to see if she is to stay or go. But she is soon allowed to stay after she has given birth to her baby Brady. She returned to the Mallrats after the Technos captured Brady, and assisted in their supposed downfall. After