Division Name: Boeing Assembly Plant Division Head: Joan Barstow Chief Products/Services: Commercial and military aircraft, including the commuter tilt-rotor, the 797 commercial airliner and the Eagle vectored thrust fighter Business Profile: Federated Beoing adapted quickly to the governmental changes in the Northwest. Separate negotiations with the Salish-Shidhe Council secured the company's major plants and facilities, as well as the continued supply of vital aluminum and special airspace privileges. Concessions made to the Council are not a matter of public record, but informed speculation asserts that the Council is now well-supplied with Federated Beoing products. Security/Military Forces: Federated Boeing's security personnel are well-armed and well-supplied with state-of-the-art ai
Division Name: Boeing Assembly Plant Division Head: Joan Barstow Chief Products/Services: Commercial and military aircraft, including the commuter tilt-rotor, the 797 commercial airliner and the Eagle vectored thrust fighter Business Profile: Federated Beoing adapted quickly to the governmental changes in the Northwest. Separate negotiations with the Salish-Shidhe Council secured the company's major plants and facilities, as well as the continued supply of vital aluminum and special airspace privileges. Concessions made to the Council are not a matter of public record, but informed speculation asserts that the Council is now well-supplied with Federated Beoing products. Security/Military Forces: Federated Boeing's security personnel are well-armed and well-supplied with state-of-the-art aircraft. It is rumored that they can field a flight of their own Eagle fighters in defense of their holdings.