The plot of The Island At The Top Of The World revolves around a rich Victorian Englishman’s attempt to locate his lost son in the Arctic in 1907. Sir Anthony Ross, an imperious Englishman employs the airship Hyperion and its pilot, French aviator Captain Brieux, to fly his search expedition to the last place his missing son had been reported seen: a remote region in the Arctic Sea. Joining Captain Brieux and Sir Anthony Ross is the American professor John Iversson, an expert on Vikings and on the lands of the North. When the Hyperion reaches the island at the beginning of the film, it is blown by strong winds against mountains, which causes the airship to be severely damaged, with the loss of one propeller and the destruction of the tail and rudder. The airship then drifts helplessly away
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| - The plot of The Island At The Top Of The World revolves around a rich Victorian Englishman’s attempt to locate his lost son in the Arctic in 1907. Sir Anthony Ross, an imperious Englishman employs the airship Hyperion and its pilot, French aviator Captain Brieux, to fly his search expedition to the last place his missing son had been reported seen: a remote region in the Arctic Sea. Joining Captain Brieux and Sir Anthony Ross is the American professor John Iversson, an expert on Vikings and on the lands of the North. When the Hyperion reaches the island at the beginning of the film, it is blown by strong winds against mountains, which causes the airship to be severely damaged, with the loss of one propeller and the destruction of the tail and rudder. The airship then drifts helplessly away
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| - The plot of The Island At The Top Of The World revolves around a rich Victorian Englishman’s attempt to locate his lost son in the Arctic in 1907. Sir Anthony Ross, an imperious Englishman employs the airship Hyperion and its pilot, French aviator Captain Brieux, to fly his search expedition to the last place his missing son had been reported seen: a remote region in the Arctic Sea. Joining Captain Brieux and Sir Anthony Ross is the American professor John Iversson, an expert on Vikings and on the lands of the North. When the Hyperion reaches the island at the beginning of the film, it is blown by strong winds against mountains, which causes the airship to be severely damaged, with the loss of one propeller and the destruction of the tail and rudder. The airship then drifts helplessly away from the three men (Ross, Iversson and the Eskimo Ommiak) when they are thrown out of the gondola. Captain Brieux and his poodle are left on the airship. At the end of the film, the airship is completely destroyed when the Godi (high priest) shoots a fire arrow at the balloon, causing the burning ship to crash on the Godi, killing him.