| - After the stings of the native big blue butterflies sickened Yokul, Frisbee, and three other farmers, who vanished gibbering into the farming world's forests, Leefer was the only farmer left. The strong smell of his aftershave protected him from the insects, although he was unaware of this. Teggs, Arx, Gipsy, and Iggy met Leefer when they came to investigate a distress call from Noxia-4, and he told them about the strange things that had been happening on the planet. He and Iggy tried to collect a sample of sickened crops, but were unable to because of the robots that Yokul had set earlier to protect them.
| - After the stings of the native big blue butterflies sickened Yokul, Frisbee, and three other farmers, who vanished gibbering into the farming world's forests, Leefer was the only farmer left. The strong smell of his aftershave protected him from the insects, although he was unaware of this. Teggs, Arx, Gipsy, and Iggy met Leefer when they came to investigate a distress call from Noxia-4, and he told them about the strange things that had been happening on the planet. He and Iggy tried to collect a sample of sickened crops, but were unable to because of the robots that Yokul had set earlier to protect them. Leefer went underground and successfully found a sample, meeting Teggs, Arx, and Iggy again. They explained that they already knew what was wrong with the crops - they had been sickened by an invason party of giganotosaurus, led by Gucklock and Krokk. A group of fearblooms chased the dinosaurs through the tunnel. Yokul and Frisbee, recovered from their sickness, stopped the fight, and Yokul told the astrosaurs and Leefer that the plants were completely harmless, curing infected dinosaurs instead of hurting them. Leefer was also present during Krokk's interrogation, and understandably reacted with fright when he learned about the danger the carnivores' abandoned Solar-Storm warship posed to Noxia-4's ecosystem and the dinosaurs' lives. Leefer showed his worth in battle when his help, along with that of Sprite, the dimorphodon, the other farmers, and the fearblooms, was needed to fight off an attack from Gucklock's toxin-maddened crew. He rejoiced when the planet was saved and when he learned that the fearblooms could revive Noxia-4's crops. Leefer also appears in Earth Attack!, as one of the guests at the party at the end of the book. He is seen eagerly telling tall tales about his life to Queen Soapi the bactrosaur, who is fanning herself, probably to keep away Leefer's smelly aftershave.