| - Swamp Thing wakes in a strange place, watched over by equally strange people. He finds two people who look like they've stepped out of a fantasy named Nain and Colm. They look up to an older woman named Auntie Mave who has explained that their guest is an Erl-King. When he asks where he is, Mave states that he is in a place called Danu's Holler.
- Mave explains that she and the others belong to an old race known as The Folk, who are older and wiser than man. They were the first to master the smith and the working of wood. However, their power made them arrogant, and before long they were overthrown by the race of man. They were forced to escape to Danu's Holler, knowing that it is home to a natural energy known as magic. Mave expects that her race will die out within a few centuries.
- Swamp Thing explains that he was summoned by the Green to fight a great wounding to it in the form of Proteus. After Proteus was destroyed, Swamp Thing absorbed the toxicity from the area, but it was so great that he was prevented from entering The Green once he had done so. He hopes to return home, but Mave forces him to stay put until he's been healed. His ordeal has left him unable to fully regenerate his body, and he could die if he is not healed soon.
- Returning to his home in the Louisiana swamp, Swamp Thing is sure that by now, his double has disincorporated and his wife Abby has learned the truth about him. He encounters his Cajun friend Gene LaBostrie. Unfortunately, when he approaches, LaBostrie is terrified by his appearance, and runs away.
- Arriving at his house, Swamp Thing sees his daughter [[W:C:DC:Tefé Holland
- thumb|120px|right|Swamp Thing's new formMave, Nain, and Colm prepare a special ceremony to purify the Swamp Thing of his toxicity. While it is painful, he soon feels the power of The Green restoring him, reshaping him as it will. The result is something quite other than his past shape - something perhaps darker in appearance.