| - "Gammer has always been as loyal as they come, my [lord/lady]. We need to spare the sword and hear her tale."
- "Septa Eleanor, is there any reason to think Gammer may be working for our enemies?"
- "We will send our sworn sword with the sharpest eye. Bring Gammer back safely."
- "What shall be done with Gammer, Groat? I want her and that horse back, unharmed."
- "We can send men after her, but in the dark, stopping her will be dangerous for both horse and rider," Groat cautions. "What got into the old bird?"
- "Other than straight pursuit, how might we catch Gammer, Groat?"
- "Send a patient sworn sword. Gammer is no expert at evasion, and should be easily caught."
- "Our people are experienced trackers and know the lands well on horseback," Groat says. "Gammer, not so much. I'm sure she'll easy to collect."
- Groat returns to your solar. "Gammer's gone, and she's taken one of the fastest horses. I found Silvercheek knocked out in the square..."
- "We will send everyone we can in pursuit. I want her back alive, to tell me her reason."
- Gammer is old and frail, but somehow spry enough to steal a horse and ride it northward. Try to stop her without causing injury.