| - The CSWE entry on Jedi Rebellion clearly states that the "JR" was "the term used by Chancellor Palpatine to describe the supposed "uprising" of the Jedi Order against the Old Republic after the Battle of Coruscant." It goes on to say: "Palpatine claimed that the 'Jedi Rebellion' was stopped only by the swift thinking and initiative of the clone commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic [through Order 66]." That one is completely irrelevant to the duel except when connected to the ROTS novel, wherein Palpy references the duel as proof that the "Jedi Rebellion" against the Republic, leading to the aforementioned retaliation in the forms of Order 66 and, concurrently, Operation: Knightfall. The novel references the Jedi Rebellion several times: 1.
* "'Their... petition [of 2000]... was nothing of the sort. It was, in fact a notsoveiled threat." Palpatine sighed regretfully. 'It was a show of force, Anakin. A demonstration of the political power the Jedi will be able to muster in support of their rebellion." 2.
* "'Route an alert to SER,' he ordered. 'The Jedi Temple is on fire!' / 'Yes, sir. We know. Senate Emergency Response has announced a state of martial law, and the Temple is under lockdown. There's been some kind of Jedi rebellion.'" 3.
* "'I think—he's saying something about a rebellion—that the Jedi have tried to overthrow the Republic! And—oh, my goodness. Mace Windu has tried to assassinate Chancellor Palpatine! Can he be serious?'" 4.
* "'He's been presenting evidence all afternoon,' she said in a flat, affectless monotone. 'Not just the assassination attempt. The Jedi were about to overthrow the Senate.'" 5.
* "'The Jedi Rebellion was our final test—it was the last gasp of the forces of darkness! Now we have left that darkness behind us forever, and a new day has begun! It is morning in the Republic!'" 6.
* "'Yes,' C-3PO said reluctantly. '[Anakin] arrived shortly after he and the army saved the Republic from the Jedi Rebellion—'" Of those, 3, 4, & 6 are the most important. 3 establishes the two are related, but that it is not a solitary event. 4 does the same, even more straightforward. It also shows that the Rebellion was also an attempt to overthrow the Senate in addition to killing the SC, though you could probably argue that that's two parts of the same action. And 6 is talking about Operation: Knightfall, an action that saved the army from the "Rebellion." There were no clone troops present at Palpy and Windu's duel. As for the Jedi Purge entry, that's merely the related part of a (presumably) much larger article dealing with the Great Jedi Purge. It isn't a new name for this duel, it's a proper aknowlegdement that this duel took place as a part of Palpy's Purge. I've put up a bill for the "Revolt" entry in the forum and will wait for more information on that front. As for these two, they aren't contradictions. This is LucasArts actually following continuity for once in its God forsaken history, as shocking as that is. NaruHina Talk File:Anakinsolo.png 23:09, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
* Jedi Revolt is just a redirect to Jedi Rebellion. NaruHina Talk File:Anakinsolo.png 16:16, November 19, 2010 (UTC)
* For the record, the full "Jedi Purge" CSWE entry is two long paragraphs and spans from Palpy's plotting during the Clone Wars to Vader hunting down the last Jedi and Palpy believing that Vader was the last surviving member of the Jedi Order. Master Jonathan File:New Jedi Order.svg (Jedi Council Chambers) 19:55, November 19, 2010 (UTC)