| - The Hurian Federation had long been an enemy of the Israeli nation, for more reasons than those pertaining to their bitter relationship. Hurians voiced their anger at Israel's two-faced international policies, first with Israel's hunt for Nazi death camp guards laying on their deathbeds, second being Israel's attempts to play the "victim card", where they lied to the international community about their "hopeless position" in a sea of enemies. They maintained the best-equipped and technologically advanced military in the Middle East, and yet they were somehow "incapable" of defeating their neighbors; unlike the three other wars they crushed the combined might of the Arab world. Finally, Israel's attempts to Iran from harnessing nuclear energy was particularily disgusting to the Hurians. Isr
| - The Hurian Federation had long been an enemy of the Israeli nation, for more reasons than those pertaining to their bitter relationship. Hurians voiced their anger at Israel's two-faced international policies, first with Israel's hunt for Nazi death camp guards laying on their deathbeds, second being Israel's attempts to play the "victim card", where they lied to the international community about their "hopeless position" in a sea of enemies. They maintained the best-equipped and technologically advanced military in the Middle East, and yet they were somehow "incapable" of defeating their neighbors; unlike the three other wars they crushed the combined might of the Arab world. Finally, Israel's attempts to Iran from harnessing nuclear energy was particularily disgusting to the Hurians. Israel told the world that if Iran got a bomb, they would destroy Israel with it. This was in stark contrast to the 100-300 nuclear warheads known to be in Israel's possession. The lies, deciet, and aweful misuse of international aid was enough to justify their obliteration. However, Huria could not strike, for Israel hid behind the Union of Everett, ever so sure that so long as Everett stood strong, Israel itself could bomb, maim, and kill tens of thousands of Palestinians at their leisure. The Arab and Muslim population in Huria demanded justice for their fallen brethen in the region, but the demand could not be met. So long as Everett's illegal fusion weapon array in space remained, no Hurian vessels could assault the Zionist state. The call for Israeli blood could not be sated. However, that was to change in due time, all the Hurians had to do was wait. On October 20th, Archbishop William Perry from the Kingdom of Texas with the aid of Cynthiana Knope and the Roman Catholic Church declared a state for the people of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Bethlehem and several lands between them. The Kingdom of Jerusalem has allowed any one inside the state, Jews, Arabs, Christians, anyone fleeing from the Hurian Federation.