| - As members of the House of the Spider and Scarab, the Twin Warriors relied on each other. As leaders, they were able to unite their houses. Their kinship helped maintain the bonds between their houses, which made them stronger and allowed them to hold their own against the Houses with unique skills. When the Vizier united the Scythians, he used the House of the Scarab and Spiders as a means to influence their trust and was able to get the community of nomads to work with him and attack the city of Babylon in Persia. As partners in combat, the strategic advantages of their chosen method of combat often threw their enemies off guard. Their skills also allowed them to defend each other's respective weaknesses when exposed to immediate attack. The Sword Twin (a member of the House of the Spider) relied on speed and the disadvantages created for his opponent by the Axe Twin. The slightest miscalculation on his opponent's part allowed him to make quick attacks with his sword that caused severe damage. The Axe Twin (a member of the House of the Scarab) fought in heavy armor and wielded a double-bladed axe that could presumably deal killing blows with a single swing. However, out of the two, the Axe twin presented the greatest weakness in their dynamic. His axe would often become stuck whatever it struck, leaving him open to attack whenever he tried to dislodge it. So long as the two worked together against an enemy, they could not be beaten. However, against the Prince, who used the Sands and the Dagger of Time against them, their weaknesses as separate opponents were ones the Prince used to his advantage. With the inadvertent help of Farah, the Prince was able to kill both with minimal difficulty.