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- A Thieves' Guild is a place where thieves go to fence their stolen goods, or learn to improve their thieving skill.
- Thieves' Guild (рус. Гильдия Воров) — один из миров в игре «Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs». Сюда можно пробраться через дыру в скале Штормового Перевала, которую пробивает Дворецкий, после получения игроком квестов в предыдущих мирах.
- Elona+ added the new Guild Quest Level 40. The Thieves' Guild reward for this quest's completion is the unique artifact furniture Wooden horse.
- Thieves' Guild is a realm that appeared in Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
- The guild is an excellent area to train Thieving even without the quest, and once the cellar is fully renovated it has a bank, general store, and an enlarged area. It is very useful compared to some other guilds. Funds are raised for the guild's expansion and initial opening by illegal activities and capers.
- The Thieves' Guild an association of thieves on Tamriel. CANON INFORMATION
- The Thieves' Guild is a members guild released on 28 April 2010. It is owned and established by Guildmaster Darren Lightfinger. There are no skill requirements to enter the Thieves' Guild, but to use its proper facilities, it requires the quest Buyers and Cellars to be completed. The guild is an excellent area to train Thieving even without the quest, and once the cellar is fully renovated it has a bank, general store, and an enlarged area. It is very useful compared to some other guilds. Funds are raised for the guild's expansion and initial opening by illegal activities and capers.
- The Thieves' Guild or Thieves' Circle is a small group of thieves led by the slightly crazed and rapacious Loxley. They can be found beneath a small shack in the Hub's Old Town.
- A thieves' guild was a guild of organized thieves and rogues. Most major cities in Faerûn, and some smaller ones, had one or more thieves' guilds. Some were powerful enough to hold significant political power, which they often obtained through bribery and intimidation. Most local guilds were short-lived groups that revolved around a particular individual.
- Nobody can just be a criminal in this town. If you want to rob, extort, embezzle, pilfer, plunder or otherwise take what isn't yours, you need to be a member in good standing of the thieves' guild. Common to fantasy stories, the guild provides protection to its members (and eliminates their competition) in exchange for a cut of their ill-gotten gains. Sometimes, the guild will extend to assassins and other criminals; others handle only larceny. Similar to The Mafia, but there is no competing group of outlaws, nor solo operators. If you so much as cut a purse and you're not paying dues to the guild, someone cuts your throat.
- De Thieves' Guild (ook bekend als Thieving Guild) kwam uit op 28 April 2010. Het is het eigendom van Darren Lightfinger en kan gevonden worden in zijn kelder achter het huis ten noorden van het furnace in Lumbridge. Er zijn geen skill levels vereist om de Thieves' Guild te betreden, maar om de guild op te richten en uit te breiden moeten spelers verscheidene capers voltooien, startend met de Buyers and Cellars quest, die elk hun eigen skill levels vereisen.
- The Thieves' Guild is a guild that is hidden at the back of a normal looking house and is where the Shadow Thieves reside. The guild is located in Eastern Baldur's Gate. At the entrance there is a Guard who demands the password. The password is FAFHRD. If you give him the wrong answer he will attack, giving him the right answer will allow you go in and out of the guild as many as times as you want without interruption. In Chapter 7, there will be a staircase that leads downstairs into the Thieves' Maze. Going through the maze will lead you to the Undercity and eventually Sarevok.
- Although the Guild dabbles in a broad range of illicit activities, like all the Guilds, the Thieves have a very particular code of conduct, condoning the appropriation of others' possessions, including through violent means, but discouraging the use of violence after a "transfer has taken place" - for example, it would be perfectly acceptable to them to threaten a person with a knife to force them to hand over a bag of gold or other valuable, and it would be entirely acceptable, too, to follow through with the threat should the person refuse handing it over. However, it would be abhorrent to take the money and then stab the victim. Such transgressions are grounds for exclusion from the Guild, which ensures that a certain level of civility is maintained and the Guild is not a cesspool of th