| - Julie: So, today you are heading back to Hoenn. Jon: Yeah. Need to get to Lumiose City first. Kyle: Maria and I will see you off at the airport. Jon: Thanks. Maria: I don’t want this to end. Jon: I understand. Journeys always end, that’s the annoying part about it. Kyle: Agreed. Let’s head to the airport. Maria: Where is your flight? Jon: So, I have two hours. Kyle: Well an hour and a half due to boarding. Jon: Yeah. Maria: How about a three on three battle? Kyle: Yeah, Jon and I should have one. Maria: I meant Jon and myself. Jon: How about you both team up and you can both battle me? Maria: Okay. Kyle: But you can use all six. Jon: Fine with me. Maria: Quite a crowd. Jon: Do you guys mind? Kyle: Nope. Maria: Not at all. Quilava! Kyle: Ferroseed! Jon: Interesting. A fire type and then a grass and steel type. Kyle: Good types to choose. Jon: You two can start. Maria: Quilava, use Swift! Kyle: Pin Missile! Jon: Calm Mind and Double Team! Jon: Good idea. Flame Charge! Maria: Smokescreen! Maria: Now, Swift! Jon: Nice play there Maria. Kyle: Use Rock Polish! Jon: Interesting. Signal Beam! Kyle: Flash Cannon! Kyle: Rollout. Jon: Duosion! Jon: Psyshock. Jon: Flame Charge! Jon: Panpour now. Maria: Ember! Jon: Steel Wing! Kyle: Acrobatics! Jon: Signal Beam! Kyle: Gunk Shot! Jon: You done well Duosion. Jon: Let’s go Trevenant. Maria: You were great. Kyle: Nice. Brine! Jon: Trevenant, use Phantom Force! Jon: Good work Trevenant. Now, Shadow Claw! Maria: Foul Play! Jon: Now, Acrobatics! Kyle: PANPOUR! Panpour: Pan. Kyle: Nice. Now, Ice Beam. Jon: Now, Steel Wing! Maria: Flamethrower! Maria: Psychic! Jon: Return, you done great. Jon: Let’s win this. Maria: That won’t happen. Braxien, use Flamethrower! Jon: Water Shuriken! Jon: You thought that would work? Maria: I knew it wouldn’t. Kyle: Gunk Shot! Jon: Nice trick. Trevenant, Focus Blast! Greninja, use Dark Pulse! Kyle: Panpour, you were great. Return. Maria: Return Braxien. Jon: Gourgeist. Nice play. Kyle: Shadow Ball! Jon: Phantom Force! Maria: Energy Ball! Jon: Are you okay Greninja? Jon: Good. Maria: Dark Pulse! Jon: Focus Blast! Kyle: Gourgeist, Shadow Sneak. Jon: Ice Beam! Maria: Flamethrower! Jon: Hmm. Maria: We seem to be able to hold our own against Jon. Kyle: Yeah. Jon: Shall we? Kyle: What are they planning? Maria: I don’t know, but I don’t like it. Energy Ball! Jon: Shadow Claw! Jon: Greninja, use Water Shuriken! Kyle: Shadow Ball! Jon: Scald and Phantom Force! Maria: That was a great battle. Jon: Yeah it was. Jon: Well, I need to head off. Jon: Thank you for a great journey. Both of you. Jon: Maria, keeps on training. You’ll be a Kalos Queen in no time at all. Maria: Yeah. Jon: Hello? Jon: They must be sleeping. I’ll check the ranch in case. Jon: Oh, they must be sleeping. Jon: Hey guys. Jon: Everyone is sleeping. Jon: Thank you. You all done well in the Kalos League, even though we didn’t get as far as we did in the Johto League. Nate: So you are back. Jon: Hey, I didn’t mean to wake you up. Michael: It was your Pokemon, excited by your return that woke us up. Zoe: They have been waiting for days for you to return. Jon: Sorry guys. Michael: How about we all get some sleep and then celebrate your return tomorrow. Jon: Right. Narrator: And so, Jon’s travel in Kalos comes to an end. After having such a good time in Kalos and having a blast travelling with Kyle and Maria, Jon is now back in Hoenn. What is next for our hero? Find out in a Special Episode next time!