Othering is a verb that names the practice of describing and therefore creating binary identity boundaries such as "us/them." Group identity is impossible without the "non-".
Othering is a verb that names the practice of describing and therefore creating binary identity boundaries such as "us/them." Group identity is impossible without the "non-".
Othering is a process in which one group is seen as "us" and another group as "them". In geek circles, women are often seen as the "other". Similar othering is inflicted on various minorities within geekdom: disabled people, elderly people, trans people, and more. See Intersectionality for info on where geek feminism meets other equality movements.
Othering is a verb that names the practice of describing and therefore creating binary identity boundaries such as "us/them." Group identity is impossible without the "non-".
Othering is a process in which one group is seen as "us" and another group as "them". In geek circles, women are often seen as the "other". Similar othering is inflicted on various minorities within geekdom: disabled people, elderly people, trans people, and more. See Intersectionality for info on where geek feminism meets other equality movements.