| - Born just prior to the Cardassian War to a Starfleet engineer and a Bajoran refugee, Juan Holmes grew up on Earth and has a human name. As a child, he was known for taking apart engines and equipment, just to see what made them operate. He was actively interested in languages and now speaks five Earth tongues as well as Bajoran, Rihannsu, and Klingon. At the age of fifteen, he returned to Bajor and joined the Resistance, where he remained for over three years repairing and constructing items for the Gunara Resistance Cell. Though the cell was very active, he himself never once fired his weapon, usually remaining outside the actual combat operations in order to perform the group's maintenance activities. After a Cardassian raid destroyed his resistance cell's base-of-operations (and most of the cell) in 2365, Holmes and some of the surviving members fled to Dreon. Planning to return to Bajor, Holmes instead found himself hired by Damon Greyheart of the independent freighter Auriga after repairing the ship when the previous mechanic failed. Holmes spent the next two years aboard the Auriga as ship's mechanic, befriending Greyheart, along with crewmembers Elaithin Jii and James Mitchell, both of whom were fellow Bajorans, and long-term passenger Frank Therrien, who, unbeknownst to the crew for most of the time Holmes was there, was actually an active member of Starfleet Intelligence. Holmes was known by the crew of the Auriga as consistently optimistic and cheerful, though very few of his current Starfleet companions believe a word of that. It was during this period that Holmes learned how to fight and how to pilot, though he initially met with little success at either.