| - Ive been trying for 2 days and I see various files open up that say they are for intervalometers--but they open up and show a long list of codes and i dont know what to do with it or how to get it into the scripts file on the card. I know how to place the has files there but when i see all the code --what do I do with it? copy paste it and create a document?? call it has then place it on card? often times it will say download--but when i click on it it only opens up the page and shows the lines of code?? CHDK scripts are plain text files.
* Create a new, empty text file (e.g. on MS Windows with the Notepad editor), insert the script text with copy & paste, then save the file to the \CHDK\SCRIPTS folder on your SD card.
* For Lua scripts use .lua as filename extension, for uBasic scripts use .bas.
* When saving the text file with your editor, use ANSI coding (NOT UTF8 !)
* Insert the script text from Lua#Minimalistic_Intervalometer with copy & paste into your editor. The script text in this sample starts with --[[ and ends with until false, add an empty line at the end of the file.
* Save the file to your card, e.g. with a filename like mint.lua
* Start CHDK, enter mode, load the file...
* Setup the script parameters (in the sample script this is shooting interval in minutes and seconds, with 0 / 10 as default values)
* start the script with the shutter button Read more in the CHDK_User_Manual... Fe50 20:48, October 13, 2011 (UTC)